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Le 02/07/2012 11:39, Rene Engelhard a écrit :
And hell, uploading a build is not as trivial as you might think it is -
you need to babysit all architectures to build it and before they didn't
it won't even appear in proposed-updates.

My apologies. I simply didn't know it was this complicated. Keep up the good work, and a huge pat on the shoulder for putting together a great system. The german writer Kurt Tucholsky once wrote about a woman: "Zur Perfektion fehlte ihr nur das Makel". She only needs a flaw to be perfect.

In the meantime, Libre Office from backports seems to work well for me, with the annoying bracket-closing bug corrected (been working with it the whole morning). And as far as I understand, it will be officially supported in Wheezy as a replacement for Open Office. So far, no show-stopper bugs on the horizon.

Cheers from the sunny South of France,

Niki Kovacs

Microlinux - Solutions informatiques 100% Linux et logiciels libres
7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
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Mail : info@microlinux.fr
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