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Bug#610770: Calc is crashing every time when clicking on Preview after copy of an sheet

Hi Rene,

Am 22.01.2011 17:05, schrieb Rene Engelhard:

Aha. (No, it cannot be in the source of Open Office - did you mean


In your other reply you said:

Ah - RC bugs has been fixed. So things have changed!
Some things fixed and some new bugs in.
.. the contrary. just to troll or because you really believed what you
wrote in your other reply? (Because that contradicts what you wrote here.)

Just say that you don't like bug reports. ;-)

And yes, I agree with you. *If* it's a bug it's a bug in OpenOffice.org code,
but then also before the last updates.

That's possible. I have not checked this.



It's a principle question which bugs or if a bug should be reported?
As user it is not easy to differ which bug is in the source or just in the distribution package.

So here was my bug report for this problem.
Use it or delete it.

I have found out now how to reproduce it.
Just take an Office97 xls and save it as ods.
Then copy one sheet to a new tab and save it again.
After that it will crash in the preview.

I attached such a broken ods with some numbers in it.


Attachment: Test.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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