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Bug#520611: openoffice.org: package synopsis should not repeat package name


Ben Finney wrote:
> Attached is an updated patch bundle taking the above into account.

Applied in the 3.1 branch.
(came too late for 3.0.1-8...)

Manual, though, because:

19:40 < _rene_> jelmer: ping?
19:40 < _rene_> jelmer: how do I upgrade the remote copy on bzr.d.o to the "new" format?
19:41 < _rene_> jelmer: because now, when I try to commit, it complains about "different rich-root support"
20:08 < jelmer> _rene_: you're looking for a format that allows that bundle *and* is supported by sid?
20:08 < jelmer> s/sid/lenny/
20:08 < V13> hello. somehow i cannot understand how to add a lintian override. From lintian manual i see that i need to install it to /usr/share/lintian/overrides but this doesn't seem to work for packages that are not already installed (i do a lintian -i to a package that isn't installed). Is there another method ? I
also tried packagename.lintian-overrides w/o success.
20:08 < _rene_> I want a solution which lets me bzr merge those bundles he sends and which works in sid *and* works with bzr.d.o
20:09 < jelmer> _rene_: try upgrading to --rich-root-pack
20:09 < jelmer> _rene_: that's supported by lenny, and will work with that bundle
20:09 < jelmer> _rene_: downgrading from --1.9-rich-root is also possible
20:09 < _rene_> how?
20:09 < jelmer> _rene_: "bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack"
20:10 < _rene_> nevermind, already rm -rf'ed debian
20:10 < _rene_> and that will also work with bzr.d.o as-is?
20:10 < jelmer> _rene_: yes
20:10 < _rene_> or do I need some action on it, too?
20:10 -!- sabdfl1 [~sabdfl@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
20:11 < jelmer> _rene_: If there's an existing branch on bzr.debian.org, you'll have to upgrade that to rich-root-pack as well
20:11 < peterS> eh, alioth is running lenny now?
20:11 < _rene_> jelmer: how?
20:11 < _rene_> jelmer: I doubt alioth runs lenny.
20:11 < peterS> last I checked it was on etch
20:11 < jelmer> Sorry, it might not
20:11 < _rene_> jelmer: and yes, I am always talking about existing branches
20:11 < jelmer> but it's got the bzr from lenny, that must be what confused me
20:11 < peterS> ahh
20:12 < _rene_> jelmer: otherwise I would not have the problem of merging something to that branch :)
20:12 < _rene_> any OOo version switch and even distro-switch gets a new branch :)
20:13 < _rene_> jelmer: so I should run bzr upgrade on bzr.d.o?
20:13 < jelmer> _rene_: yep
20:13 -!- bono (bono) [bono@118-160-168-40.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #debian-devel
20:13  * _rene_ sighs
20:14 < jelmer> _rene_: Alternatively, you could ask Ben for a bundle that doesn't use rich roots
20:14 < V13> I guess... the answer to my question is 'no'...
20:15 < jelmer> _rene_: (rich roots are a feature required for bzr-svn and nested trees in bzr, there's no particular reason for using them here)
20:15 < _rene_> ok, will do that then

Can you fix that, please? (PM, please ;) )


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/
 `. `'  rene@debian.org | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
   `-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73

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