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text in formula returns #VALUE!

Hi everyone,

I run debian/etch. My computer has just been the aim
of an openoffice.org upgrade through my regular
"aptitude update && aptitude upgrade" calls...

This is usually a good thing, except that since my
upgrade to ooffice2.0 I have the problem that if a
text cell is encoutered by my formula (simple addition
of formulas) I get an "#VALUE!". Before with OO1.1.4,
the text would be neglected. Now when I open the
spreadsheets with OO2 I just have "'VALUE!"

I have exposed the problem on www.oooforum.org but it
seems to be more of a "local" problem than an
openoffice problem. Now my question is to know if it
is a debian/etch issue, or one of my computer.

See the thread:

It is such a simple computation, I can't really
believe it is a debian general issue. It is just quite
annoying and I don't know how to solve it.

Any help is very appreciated!

PS: considering the text of the web page
http://openoffice.debian.net/, how come I have 2.0.0-5
on my system and not 1.1.4? Or is just an outdated web
page? Is my apt database screwed up?


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