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Bug#284487: Disabling KDE/Gnome Filechooser is a drawback

Rene Engelhard schrieb:

[ CC'ing the two with complained before you already ;) ]


Am Dienstag, 4. Januar 2005 10:33 schrieb Sebastian Schaffert:
I find the latest change to disable the KDE/Gnome filechoosers
unacceptable, because this was a major advantage introduced in the
previous openoffice.org upgrade.

They are broken. Try opening files with non-ASCII charcters saved bafore from somewhere else.

Works well for me with KDE filechooser (file entitled
"Veröffentlichungen.doc", UTF-8). I didn't try the Gnome-Chooser, though.

Additionally, the Gtk fpicker is broken in many ways
(no way to enter a path (well, there's some unintuitive strg-whatever combination), ftp:// and webdav:// iirc didn't work (OOo can open files over FTP or WebDAV and it was no problem to open it with the OpenOffice.org filepicker)

So I disabled it per default.
Since the KDE filechooser appears to not share the same problems, it
would perhaps be good to enable it for KDE and disable it for Gnome. On
the other hand, Gnome-users are apparently used to their file-chooser
not supporting UTF-8 names ...

In particular with the KDE filechooser you benefit from KDE's io slaves
and your personal system configuration. No sensible user would
deliberately disable the KDE file chooser in Openoffice when running KDE
as desktop, so disabling it by default is IMO unacceptable.

Then they can enable it.

How do I enable the file chooser, circumventing the default? I didn't
find it in the docs. It just says that I can "enforce" a certain
desktop, but this only influences look'n'feel but not the file choosers.

However, I see the point with using xfce, therefore I'd suggest to make
three packages out of the current two:


Where the packages containing the fpickers will still be unable to open many older files. And then? Would you need to disable those file pickers then? What is the difference to now then?

The difference is that a normal user that simply installs OpenOffice and
uses KDE will now automatically have the file chooser he is used to - a
step towards simplified and consistent Linux desktops. He can then
profit from the KDE file-chooser's "favorites" feature (which is *very*
useful for project work), and the IO-slaves supporting WebDAV, FTP,
sftp, ssh, etc.

Best regards,


| Dipl.-Inform. Sebastian Schaffert                    LFE Programmier-/
| Sebastian.Schaffert@ifi.lmu.de                   Modellierungssprachen
| LMU München - Institut für Informatik - Zimmer C8 - Tel: 089/2180-9781

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