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Bug#280886: prelink.bin fails on reading directory

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 00:44:52 -0600
Corey Wright <undefined@pobox.com> wrote:

> i haven't look at the source for prelink yet, so maybe the patch is
> easy.

looking at the prelink package source, prelink doesn't appear to make
any allowances for directories as arguments (at least not in main,
open_dso, or fdopen_dso functions).  so maybe this should also prompt a
bug against prelink.

anyways, my hack was to rm /var/state/openoffice/ooo_is_prelinked.  it's
pretty much true that "ooo is not prelinked" because openoffice.org's
binaries are being upgraded and pretty much every dependent library has
been upgraded since my last openoffice.org upgrade and subsequent
oooprelink.  now my apt-get dist-upgrade can finish as the prelink error
was causing openoffice.org-bin to abort installation, and holding back
openoffice.org & openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us.

i could have mucked with the package files, specifically
/usr/share/openoffice.org-debian-files/hooks/postinst.d/prelink, but i
didn't feel like it.

causing a package upgrade to fail set-up should elevate this bug to
something higher than "normal", imho.


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