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Re: Building spellcheck packages


One things fromn upstream ...

2. To enable a spellchecker by default, one must change
and add lines like
<cfg:any cfg:type="string" cfg:derivedBy="list" state="replaced"
to it. Can we please make a script to do that in a proper way?!
(update-ooo-spellcheck --install-dict lv LV lv_LV)
If someone makes this script, it would also be nice to be able to run it
as root to update all user files in
that (seemingly) ovverride the system version.

The above no longer has to be done for OOo 1.1.

OOo 1.1 self registers and dictionaries listed in the dictionary.lst file
(both the one share/dict/ooo/ and user/wordbook)

3. Are there tools for authomatically sonverting MySpell files to iSpell
files and to wordlists?

This can't always be done.  MySpell allows many more affix flags
than ispell does,  affix files are case sensitive under Myspell but not
ispell, MySpell handles cases in different ways, Myspell handles compound
words in different ways, Ispell has no replacement tables in their
affix files, etc.

It is easier to convert from Ispell to MySpell then to go back to Ispell
once certain MySpell specific changes have been made.


Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigarius@debian.org
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Kevin B. Hendricks
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