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Strange bug with international keyboard


I have post one bugreport few days ago and did not get a
response, so I'm trying this email address.

I have up-to-date version of unstable debian, using KDE 3.1.1 and
kernel 2.4.20 with xfs patch and latest OO. 

Problem is following: 

I have installed czech keyboard(qwerty) and english under KDE.
Under KDE all international typing works correctly, but in SO I
can't write some of the characters, even it can display them
properly. You can reproduce this problem: 1. install czech keyb
2. run OO
3. switch to cz keyb
4. hit shift+'+/=' key
5. hit s (you should see š (s with opposite roof))
6. nothing is shown, the result should be same as descr in 5 or
after pressing key 3 above 'w' and 'e'. 7. press '+/=' key 
8. press a
9. you will see á, this forks fine.

Thanx for help,
Bohdan Linda

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