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Re: Bug report: GNOME menus

On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 12:52:04AM +0200, Jérôme Warnier wrote:
> >Because no-one has submitted a usuable patch implementing this.  Jan did
> >some work on the patch which should have improved things for 1.0.3 to some
> >extent.
> Ok, I'm willing to do so, but will not have time before 2-3 days.
> Those files are automatically generated at build-time, aren't they?

Yes, by the script sysui/oounix/office/gnome/gnomeint which is written in

> >>Version number has not changed between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 (still 0.92) but 
> >>the file itself has changed (see below).
> No explanation?
> No reason?

No-one from the Debian team has looked at it, and we haven't modified
anything there.  The only modifications are in the patch
906_set_gnome_menu_right.diff for the categories.

> >If you are not prepared to work on patches, be prepared to wait for someone
> >who is.
> It's not about having to be prepared to submit patches or not, but to 
> have no answer at all submitting bug reports...

Your questions were directed at parts of OOo that have not been modified by
the team (except the categories) and no-one who reads the list felt they
knew enough about to provide you with a answer and left it for someone else
to answer.  In the meantime there was conversation about the Gnome
categories going on in the bug report so I didn't see the need spend time
repeating that to you.  Now the patch is in the packages and you say there
are still problems so I'm responding, although I still haven't had time to
look at it myself.  But if you're willing to look at this yourself I will do
my best to point you in the right direction.

If you only have limited time to look at these problems, it might be best
for you to look at 1.1 first and see if things are better there, and only
spend time on it if it hasn't been improved in 1.1 already.  The easiest way
to do that is probably to look in the CVS logs of gnomeint to see what has
changed [1].  The version in 1.0.x is on the branch OOO_STABLE_1 and the
HEAD branch will become 1.1.

You could try doing a Bonsai query (http://ooo.ximian.com) for changes to
the file gnomeint on all branches.  I also find that the Log Browse tool of
tkcvs (apt-get install tkcvs) is very helpful to visualise how the different
versions on different branches correspond to each other.
http://tools.openoffice.org has information on accessing CVS and
descriptions of the branches.


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