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Re: Some issues with oo.o 1.0.0-3

* Chris Halls <chris.halls@gmx.de> [2002-05-14 11:26]:
> Sorry, typo on my part - I meant Mail-Followup-To :) and now my mutt gets
> the To/Cc right by itself, thanks.

 Well, not needed anymore, I'm now subscribed *gg*

>>  Uhm, don't think that that would be a good idea. Could lead to security
>> problems or such. Moving it away could be an option, using mktemp.
> What problems are you thinking of?  Why is moving it away better?  I'm
> worried that moving it away breaks other s/w that could be using it during
> the install.

 Then copy it away and move it back or such.  How would you like to make
it read-only so that the install isn't able to bypass/break through it?

if [ -e ${HOME}/.mailcap ]; then
        TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/mailcap.XXXXXX`
        cp ${HOME}/.mailcap $TMPFILE
        chmod --reference=${HOME}/.mailcap $TMPFILE
        # do the install here
        mv -f $TMPFILE ${HOME}/.mailcap
        # do the install here
        rm ${HOME}/.mailcap

 That should be all the magic needed.  I now grepped through the source
and found that in
line 93 .mailcap defines FILE_NAME_MAILCAP.  Need to investigate
further to find if the function that changes that FILE_NAME_MAILCAP can
easily be disabled.  Stay doomed.

> Well... yes, more or less. I'm talking short-term here:  we'll support this
> extra stuff later on, but for now I'm trying to minimise the ways in which
> it can be broken in subtle ways.  If a user does this sort of thing, I'd
> rather it breaks loudly and everyone knows that's what they did and they are
> on their own.

 Well, the patch for that thing was submitted already to the list, Jan
quoted it recently.

> Actually, that 'configuration file' isn't actually marked as a conffile in
> your .debs - I discovered that yesterday ;)

 Ah, didn't check for that.  Might have stumbled upon it sooner or later
but it mustn't be me who finds all the details ,)

> Yep, but if a user fiddles there they're starting to do 'more advanced'
> stuff anyway and will hopefully report that if they want something fixed.

 ... like me you mean? :)

> I'm just trying to keep this setup stuff really simple until it's fixed in a
> better way.  Parsing .sversionrc and fixing nothing else adds more potential
> for stuff to break in subtle ways, so I'd rather not until it's done well.

 No problem at all.  I was just pointing out what I stumbled upon -- I
didn't say that it must or should be addressed immediately.  Write it
somewhere down, deep burried in some todo lists, I don't care.  I just
like to have it addressed and noted at least.

 Sorry if you got me wrong. I don't want to distract you all from more
valueable stuff. I know that there are many things to address.  It's
just that it happens to come to my attention now and I rather like to
mention it right away than forget it.  Nothing more and nothing less.

> That was probably the Gnome file copy error.  You can track the issues I've
> filed by querying for my user, which is haggai@openoffice.org.

 Ah yes, right.

 Have fun,
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