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OOo and freetype (fwd: Re: [discuss] Star Office TT fonts look perfect)

About freetype - it appears that it really is a problem with libfreetype,
and Pavel Janik has contacted upstream freetype.

----- Forwarded message from Pavel Janík <Pavel@Janik.cz> -----

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 13:05:28 +0200
From: Pavel@Janik.cz (Pavel Janík)
Subject: Re: [discuss] Star Office TT fonts look perfect
To: discuss@openoffice.org

   From: Chris Halls <chris.halls@gmx.de>
   Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 10:08:14 +0200

   > Be warned, on Debian using the newer system freetype casuses bullets to stop
   > working (the OpenSymbol font), so test your bullets out :)

I already reported the problem to freetype developers on Wed, 10 Jul 2002
19:12:42 +0200. Here is the e-mail. I got no reply so far.

--- cut here ---

I'm currently working on upgrading build-in freetype in
OpenOffice.org. I successfully upgraded to 2.0.9. Now I'm trying to go to
2.1.0, but I have reached the problem with one font - it is known as
OpenSymbol in OpenOffice.org (you can find it in
OpenOffice.org1.0/share/fonts/truetype/opens___.ttf if you installed OOo,
or in extras/source/truetype/symbol/opens___.ttf if you have
sources. I have also uploaded it to http://www.janik.cz/tmp/opens___.ttf
for your convenience). It is not rastered as it was in 2.0.9. I have asked
Pavel Ka?kovský about that issue and he told me to try 2.1.2. I did so, but
the result is the same as it was with 2.1.0 so we are at 2.0.9 right
now. And this is also the reason of this letter ;-)

This problem is most easily reproduced via Insert -> Special symbol
OpenOffice.org menu. I have created two screenshots of the Special Symbols
dialog with OpenSymbol font. The first one is with freetype 2.0.9, the
second one is with 2.1.2. With 2.1.2, no character is rasterized. I think
this is clearly the bug in the font itself or in 2.1.2. I think you can be
interested in solving the problem.

The problem can be seen with or without byte code interpreter and I use the
appended patches to build OOo with the newest freetype:

freetype-2.1.2.patch - this patch is only updated from built-in 2.0.5 and
the only difference is byte code interpreter turned on

OO-new-freetype-patch.diff - you have changed NEXT_UShort to FT_UShort and

I have uploaded all files, patches and screenshots to

Please keep me informed if you decide to investigate this, I'm not
subscribed to devel list for a long time.
--- cut here ---
Pavel Janík

----- End forwarded message -----

He says that 2.0.5 works well, so in that case a Woody box (which would have
libfreetype6 2.0.9-1 installed) is able to use the system freetype library.

I tested this and got my unstable box working too by manually extracting the
library and copying to /usr/lib.  After that the fonts look much better.  If
you'd like to try it too, here is what I did:

[only for an unstable box -begin- ]
download libfreetype6_2.0.9-1_i386.deb

extract it to a temporary directory:
  mkdir /tmp/freetype
  dpkg -x libfreetype6_2.0.9-1_i386.deb /tmp/freetype

move the library
  mv /tmp/freetype/libfreetype.so.6.3.0 /usr/lib
[only for an unstable box -end- ]

configure openoffice to load the library using preload.  Create the file
/etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf and add the line:
  export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libfreetype.so.6.3.0

This works because the openoffice wrapper script looks for this file and
runs commands in it if available (this will be used more in future
packages).  The LD_PRELOAD variable tells the linker to resolve calls to the
freetype library using the system freetype rather than the internally linked

Well, this is unsupported - don't scream if something else in OpenOffice
stops working...

But it looks *much* better :)


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