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Re: Problems with OpenOffice.org and gcc-3.1 on PowerPC and perhaps on intel, too! [was: kevin.hendricks@sympatico.ca: [dev] question on cppuhelper throwException and double TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE]

   The patch that I have for libgcc-compat causes the code to be built
with or without gcc-3.1 being used for the build. If you are finding
that soffice fails due to an illegal instruction, you might try rebuilding
glibc 2.2.5 under gcc 2.95.4 and see if that causes the symbols to be
resolved. I am going to give that a try right now and see if it helps.
If it does provide a solution we can just ask Ben Collins to use
the libgcc-compat patch the next time he does a gcc 2.95.4 build of
glibc 2.2.5 and that should resolve the problems.

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