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Re: Here we go ..... again .... :)

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 11:07:48PM +1100, Ken Foskey wrote:
> Debian Woody,  compiling with 2.95.4.
> Problems:  Bison, make sure you are using 1.2.8 (possibly 2.9 or 3.0)

This is useless. One, you should compile on sid (in a chroot if you don't
have sid installed). Two, always compile with tools available in sid, not
some old version you happen to have left lying around - even if it doesn't
work out of the box with the latest version.
Sid is what all packages are built against. You don't upload to woody or
potato. Besides, you can't trick the autobuilders, they use sid anyway, so
if you upload something you'll get a bug that it doesn't compile.

Yes, I know that noone's talking about uploading yet. But the fixes will
have to be made anyway. You may as well start doing it now.
Also - the other way around - there is a chance that by using woody you run
into problems which aren't there in sid; and on which any time spent trying
to resolve them is wasted.



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	-- Oswald Buddenhagen <ob6@inf.tu-dresden.de>

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