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Re: Current state of OpenOffice.org for Debian


On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 08:16:03PM +0200, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
>I wanted to ask, who has succesfully compiles the openoffice.org sources on an
>Debian system and which Version of Debian, Openoffice and which compiler was used.

I'm affraid to see, that nobody wa able to compile it on debian.

I was confused while running ./bootstrap for OpenOffice 633. There was
one include, whis fails very often. As I mentioned it in my other mail
before was the only thing, that the path of the include was wrong. For

in oo_src633/tools/bootstrp/cprjexe.cxx you find this:
#include <glibc/posix/getopt.h>
#include <glibc/getopt.h>
#ifdef UNX
#ifndef SOLARIS
#include <glibc/posix/getopt.h>
#ifdef MACOSX
#include <glibc/posix/getopt.h>
#include <glibc/config.h>
#ifndef SOLARIS
#include <glibc/getopt.h>

Hmmm... but the compiling failed and I asked me, if on other Linux's
this path here matches or not. I don't have a directory
/usr/include/glibc, see... :

palic@billgotchy:~/OpenOffice/oo_633_src$ ls /usr/include/gl*

Does anyone explain, why thay do things like this, why do they include
glibc/posix/getopt.h and not getopt.h? 

>Jan-Hendrik 'Gromitt' Palic and I have currently taken two different approches.
>While Jan goes top-bottom and tries to compile the source with the given tools,
>I'm trying to get the odk, the underlying object broker with it tools compiled
>using standard tools like autoconf, which should allow an more easy nad packageable
>way to build Openoffice.

I wanted to package the tar.gz, you mailed me... I will do it next week,
surely :) and make them downloadable :)

>Using g++ 2.xx Compilers we both seem to end with an broken idlc. (This is the
>"compiler" which translates .idl files, which specify interfaces over which the
>objects in different langagues can communicate, to something an c++-compiler can

It's horrorble. I have installed all build essentials and I had to see,
that nothing will work!

>We both end up with an binary that throws segmentation faults. In my case I can
>reduce it to some not-called constructors, which seem like an failure of g++ or
>some incompatibility between OO.o and g++.

You tried with gcc/g++ 2.95?

I will tri the OpenOffice 638 with gcc/g++ 3.0. We'll see!


One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- C++ UL++ P+++ L+++ E W++ N+ o+ K- w--- 
O- M- V- PS++ PE Y+ PGP++ t--- 5- X+++ R-- tv- b++ DI-- D+++ 
G+++ e+++ h+ r++ z+ 

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