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Re: Help packaging an octave toolbox

On 7/6/20 11:41 AM, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
The bug reports will be closed automatically when the packages will enter unstable, thanks to the tags "(Closes #XXXXXX)" included in debian/changelog.

Note that the packages need approval from teh ftp-masters and are currently waiting in the NEW queue:


terrific! thanks again

If the package itself is free, than it must go in contrib: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#the-contrib-archive-area
If the new executables provide the same functionality as the ones currently in Debian, then the conflict must be managed at the level of the Debian Alternatives System (https://wiki.debian.org/DebianAlternatives).
Otherwise, if the functionality is unrelated, than I think you should rename your executables.

sounds good. their functionalities are indeed unrelated, I will rename mine.

after testing some of the recent packages, I noticed one minor issue, curious if you see an easy solution

the issue was raised in the brain2mesh-demos package, where sample files (in JSON/JNIfTI format, internally compressed) are gzipped by the installer, as those were specified as docs files.

from reading the below page


it seems most doc files are compressed by gzip -9. The extra .gz suffix breaks my test scripts stored in the upper folder. I am wondering if there is a way/flag to prevent certain docs files to be compressed, or I need to install them in a different folder using rules?

this is a minor problem and I can fix it in the next update/release.




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