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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Updating the Uploaders field to better reflect personal commitments

* Sébastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org> [2014-06-26 20:21]:

So, out of the 54 packages maintained by the DOG, 29 have at least one person (out of Mike, Rafael and myself) interested in maintaining them. For those 29 packages, I therefore suggest to update the Uploaders field in git according to the wiki page. Is that ok?

Ok with me.

Then, for the remaining 25 packages, we have to find another solution. Among those, 5 packages (benchmark, mapping, nnet, octgpr, plot) are marked as unmaintained upstream (see http://octave.sourceforge.net/packages.php), so I guess we could request their removal.

Go ahead.

That leaves us with 20 packages to be adopted. I see two possible solutions: either list all team members in the Uploaders field, or distribute packages randomly across team members. I guess the former solution is better. What do you think?

Yes, the former proposal is more sensible.


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