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Re: cmdliner 1.0.0 uses topkg for building

On 18 July 2017 at 23:16:03, Hendrik Tews (hendrik@askra.de) wrote:
> Everybody,
> I am a bit shocked that my simple question about how to best
> package topkg and topkg-care lead to such a heated and quite
> personal discussion. I would rather prefer to have a friendly and
> constructive relation to our upstream providers and to base
> discussions on technical arguments.

I'm sorry about this. I think we need to get over this now.

> More often than not upstream
> providers will -often for good reason- not be convinced by our
> arguments.

Maybe, but I think it still good that expectations and their reasons are actually explained and that more communication occurs in general. If the point of view of system packagers is never represented in the platform level discussions it's unlikely we'll do something upstream that naturally satisfies you (or at least makes your life easier). The goals of a developer oriented package system and a system one are certainly different but they do share quite a bit of their means and procedures and we should make sure that at least part of the work done upstream can be reused downstream in an efficient manner.

> I thought topkg-care is needed to run the tests, for instance,
> for cmdliner? 

In fact no, the `topkg` tool is really just a convenience as far as building and testing is concerned. It simply forwards to the `pkg/pkg.ml` file of the package which only needs the `topkg` package to function. This section [0] of the documentation has the details for building and running the tests of a `topkg` package.



[0] http://erratique.ch/software/topkg/doc/Topkg#build

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