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Re: Transitioning to 4.04 or 4.05

On 04/07/2017 18:02, Ximin Luo wrote:
I think it's nicer for users to be as up-to-date as possible, especially for Debian unstable. But I don't know what the cost is here - if it would be too much work, or too disruptive, being blocked on 4.05 build failures.

Debian unstable is the future stable :-) Putting there RC releases (as far as OCaml is concerned) is out of the question. If we were otherwise up-to-date, it might be envisionable to put RCs in experimental but it's not the case now... so shall we focus on 4.04.2, or wait for 4.05.0?

What was your experience with previous transitions? My vague impression was that, because everyone has OPAM, most things would get fixed in a few weeks, and it would likely take us at least that long to do the transition anyways.

ISTR that during previous transitions (the 4.01.0 -> 4.02.3 one was on November 2015), OPAM was the new thing and not so popular. It happened that for some packages, there was no fix until we (Debian) provided one. For some packages, it was blocking but for others, we could just remove them from testing. Now, I have the same vague impression as you, and I feel that we'll be able to remove broken packages from testing.

Are there any scripts to help us do that for the hundreds of ocaml packages that we have?

I haven't (yet) published clean scripts for the local rebuild, but the general idea is to recompile all packages in the same order as in [1]: build one level (using cowbuilder), put the result in a local repository, build the next level, update the local repository with the result, etc. and use the local repository thoughout all the process.

We could try to distribute this, I have a decently-powerful new machine. We could set up a mini-dinstall repo on Alioth and upload stuff there.

The repository I've built for the 4.02.2 transition, hosted on a server of mine, is still online:


It is 1.5 GB. I expect a similar repository for 4.04.2 to be bigger, as there are more packages now. I wonder if it is reasonnable to take that much disk space on Alioth...



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