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Re: Packaging for 4.03.0 and OCamlbuild

Ralf Treinen:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 11:57:00AM +0000, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> I fixed this in https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/ocamlbuild.git/commit/?id=4df02c1e1d6025469c42e653cba30481b1499366
>> I had "ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml" as a Build-Dep, but I'll replace this with "ocaml-best-compilers" now that I know about it, thanks.
> I still don't understand why you need this. ocaml-native-compilers just
> provides the *.opt versions of the compilers, it has nothing to do with
> the ability to compile to native code or not. That is, unless ocamlbuild
> uses presence of *.opt in a wrong way.

You're right, I was confused. The current situation is:

ocamlbuild's Makefile uses OCAML_NATIVE to install ocamlbuild.native (or .byte if it's false) as /usr/bin/ocamlbuild.

This is unrelated to using "*.opt" versions of those compilers which is what Build-Depends would help to control. For this purpose, their Makefile uses OCAML_NATIVE_TOOLS.

However I am not exactly following policy atm, I'm installing the byte and native versions as /usr/bin/ocamlbuild and /usr/bin/ocamlbuild.opt respectively. I will fix this.

Also I spotted a typo here: https://pkg-ocaml-maint.alioth.debian.org/ocaml_packaging_policy.html/x264.html

Near the bottom, "the dependency on ocaml-base-nox-3.10.2 should be added only when the package is built in native mode" - I think this should say "bytecode mode"?


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