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Bug#786671: dose3: support for versioned provides

Control: severity -1 normal


Quoting Niko Tyni (2015-05-24 12:53:14)
> Support for versioned provides was added recently to dpkg and apt,
> and we'd be keen to start using those for official Debian packages
> as soon as that's possible (see #758100).
> However, according to Johannes in
>  https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2015/04/msg00246.html
> dose3 doesn't currently support them, and IIUC this is a blocker because
> wanna-build relies on that so source packages build-depending on versioned
> virtual packages will stay in BD-Uninstallable.

adjusting the severity accordingly

> Related upstream tickets seem to be
>  https://gforge.inria.fr/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=17556&group_id=4395&atid=13808

The above one is unrelated.

>  https://gforge.inria.fr/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=17903&group_id=4395&atid=13808

This is the right one.

> with Pietro Abate saying in the later one that it might actually work?
> Could you please confirm the current status?

Maybe the bug tracker is a bit confusing. The messages are ordered from newest
to oldest so you can see my latest message from 2015-04-18 at the top where I
demonstrate how dose3 in git master is unable to properly encode versioned
provides to cudf.

> Thanks for your work, and greetings from the Debian Perl team sprint in sunny
> Barcelona!

Awesome! Greetings back from cold Sweden :)

cheers, josch

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