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Re: names of distribution-branches in the git repository

Le 22/11/2010 11:31, Sylvain Le Gall a écrit :
Concerning the role in gbp, it uses branch + tag:

(I disable the pristine-tar)
gbp:info: ocaml-extunix_0.0.1.orig.tar.gz does not exist, creating from 'upstream/0.0.1'

It uses upstream/$upstream_version if it exists, but otherwise it (silently) uses directly $upstream_branch. This happens when there is a '~' in the upstream version (which happens quite frequently with experimental), which is turned into a '.' by git-import-orig (since git doesn't support '~' in its tag names). I prefer to always create two git branches per Debian branch instead of thinking of how things can go wrong if I don't branch the upstream branch.

Agreed, gbp could be fixed, but the other benefits of having an explict upstream branch made this limitation forgettable.

So even if branches are cheap, I would prefer to have a single upstream
branch. After all we only follow one upstream.

And what about projects with several branches? It's not uncommon to have a stable branch and a development branch.

And I still don't see any benefits in having a single upstream branch...



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