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Bug#574887: ocsigen: Put XHTML.M in its own binary package

Hello Mehdi,

Sorry if my initial message was a bit harsh, it was not my intent.

2010/3/22 Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi@debian.org>:
>> What is "a lot of dependencies"?
> Did you try to install it and see what it brings on disk?


> If not, please read the following few lines and tell me if installing
> 192MB is worth it when I need only 100KB of them.

>From Stéphane's reply, it reduces the installation to 114 MB instead
of 211MB. A real improvement but not an impressive one.

> Mainly, because I think that keeping a system as small as
> possible and only with the required stuff (especially on a server) is a
> sane approach.

I agree.

> Adding one binary package (or even 10) don't make the
> dependency system complicated. It may complicate the packaging is a bit
> but I think that these changes will be integrated upstream (maybe
> partially) to ease such operations. Please note that package splitting in
> Debian is done on request basis (when justified… which is the case here)
> and not on "the number of people asking for it". Please also note that
> I've set the severity to "minor".

I agree it is not probably one of the most complicated binary packages
in Debian, but it still increases the number of packages to take care
of, e.g. when the OCaml compiler is upgraded.

I'm not a Debian Developer and I do appreciate a lot the hard work put
into packaging by Debian developers, especially for OCaml.

I just wanted to point out the potential issue of having a lot of
packages, being complicated or not. I sometimes have the feeling that
too many packages are created, some of them not really useful (e.g.
-dev split). We all want a high quality system, well maintained and
useful to use. Most of the time, I install a generic package (like
ocaml) with all its dependencies. There are a ot of free space on hard
disks nowadays. Of course, I do not claim that my use is the use of
others. ;-)

> *We* will maintain it and keep it clean. If Stéphane needs some help to
> maintain this packaging, I'm ready to help, as I always did in the OCaml Team.

I am well aware of this and, once again, I do appreciate a lot the
effort and the result.

Best regards,

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