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Dependency graphs...

Stéphane Glondu a écrit :
Rebuilding of ocamlnet failed. As far a I can tell, the reason is
ocamlnet depends on lablgtk2 and pcre-ocaml, but these dependencies do
not appear in http://pkg-ocaml-maint.alioth.debian.org/build_order.txt.

After reading the script that generates it, I've realized that this file does not contain what I was expecting. I was thinking that it was listing the dependencies for each package. Actually, it only lists a longest dependency path to ocaml.

Is the current build_order.txt useful for some purpose?

For my purpose, it would be more useful to list the dependencies. I can change the script so that it generates what I expect, but since it is a change of semantics, I am asking first.

And by the way, while trying to investigate why mediawiki and monotone-viz were disconnected in the graph online, I've realized that I didn't get the same graph on my own computer (on that one, they are connected)! The Makefile doesn't work out of the box. I didn't get where ocaml_src_pkgs.txt comes from. I won't touch anything since I don't know the context in which it is used, but I would be eager to help improve the thing.



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