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Re: new web page: overview of OCaml related packages / transitions

Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
Hi all,
  yesterday I got impressed by the "Status of GNOME packages in Debian"
page that the GNOME maintainers are using for their transition.  So I
wanted to have something like that for OCaml and this night I've created
it :)

This looks great!  Thanks!

How does it handle different architectures? E.g. does it show a package being built if it exists on at least 1 arch, or does it have to be built on all arches? For transitions, we clearly need the latter. Also, a nice thing for the TODO list would be to list the packages that are not up to date, but have all of their dependencies satisfied on all arches.

I actually wrote some code to do this for one of the c++ transitions, but alas, it is written in OCaml, not the venomous language you have chosen... so I can't easily add it. ;-p


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