debian-newmaint Oct 2024 by subject

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наб: Declaration of intent to become a DM наб: Advocate Jan Mojžíš: Application Manager report Advocating NoisyCoil for DM Ananthu C V: Advocate Ananthu C V: Application Manager report Ananthu C V: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl. Athos Coimbra Ribeiro: Application Manager report Bo YU: Advocate Bo YU: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl. Endorsement of NoisyCoil Gioele Barabucci: Application Manager report Jongmin Kim: Advocate Jongmin Kim: Declaration of intent to become a DD, non-upl. Shengqi Chen: Advocate Shengqi Chen: Declaration of intent to become a DD, upl. Tianyu Chen: Advocate Tianyu Chen: Declaration of intent to become a DM The last update was on 22:20 GMT Wed Oct 30. There are 26 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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