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Advocacy for Christian Kastner


I advocate Christian Kastner to become Debian Developer, uploading.

The current status of Christian Kastner is Debian Maintainer.

Advocacy text:


I'd like to advocate Christian for DD-ship (uploading). I've had the opportunity to sponsor several of his packages multiple times (before granting him DM upload privileges), including a bunch of DPMT team-maintained packages (e.g. pyrit, python-keyczar) as well as packages he maintains individually (e.g. librscode, liblinear, libmpikmeans, libcgroup, libcap2). He has shown a continuous history of high quality package uploads, and he is well versed on Policy and packaging standards. Christian is also pleasant to work with, and is very to feedback and comments. He's also shown technical competency by contributing to (RC) bugs and mailing list / IRC discussions. I believe that he has the necessary social and technical skills to be a DD and make a positive contribution to the project.

Keep up the good work Christian!

(Apologies for the errr...very delayed advocacy; I've been swamped with academic coursework and exams for the past month or so.)


Vincent Cheng (via nm.debian.org)

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