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Advocacy for Markus Wanner


I advocate Markus Wanner to become Debian Developer, uploading.

The current status of Markus Wanner is Debian Maintainer.

Advocacy text:

Markus has been maintaining (though mostly outside the Debian archive) PostgreSQL-related packages for years. When the apt.postgresql.org archive was up and running, he started helping getting packages in shape for it. He then took up the work of getting PostGIS 1 updated to PostGIS 2 in Sid, a move that was desperately awaited by users for quite some time back then. In the process, he solved many delicate library packaging problems, and worked with upstream to fix portability problems on various release architectures.

Markus is a very friendly developer who I would very much like to have as a fellow DD in Debian. As a DM he has done great work on his packages, and I'm sure as a DD he'll endeavor into other areas to help make Debian the great project it is.

Christoph Berg (via nm.debian.org)

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