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Advocacy for Andrey Rahmatullin


I advocate Andrey Rahmatullin to become Debian Developer, uploading.
Advocacy text:

I'm happily advocating Andrey Rahmatullin as a future Debian Developer.

I'm glad to see that Andrey finally made it into NM after a long odyssey of procedural problems. Andrey has been helpful and competent in Debian for longer than I'm around in Debian, and made a number of valuable contributions and quality work, ever since.

I've mostly met wRAR in the IRC and on the debian-mentors mailing list, where he gives always correct and valuable advises. He knows our procedures, the policy, and best practices. I'm confident he will be a good and responsible developer who can be trusted to obtain full, not reviewed upload rights. 

Having that said, I never sponsored or reviewed any package Andrey made. Thus, I cannot judge about his actual packaging skills. While I'm confident he is doing a good job as a packager, I do not eventually know. Since he found enough advocates already, this should not matter though. Therefore, I can safely advocate Andrey as a Debian Developer, together with Mikhail who already did. 

Arno Töll (via nm.debian.org)

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