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AM report for Clint Byrum <clint@ubuntu.com>

[Credit goes to Felipe Augusto van de Wiel for doing most of the AM

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Clint
   Last name:       Byrum
   Key fingerprint: F00C 9F2F 4F7E B714 AFAD  1A42 538C 0766 F4BC B38E
   Account:         spamaps
   Forward email:   clint@ubuntu.com

   ID check passed, key signed by 4 existing developers:

   Output from keycheck.sh:

gpg: requesting key F4BCB38E from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
pub   2048R/F4BCB38E 2010-05-12
      Key fingerprint = F00C 9F2F 4F7E B714 AFAD  1A42 538C 0766 F4BC B38E
uid                  Clint Byrum <cbyrum@spamaps.org>
sig!         8E384AF2 2010-07-20  Christopher L Cheney <ccheney@acm.org>
sig!3        F4BCB38E 2010-06-24  Clint Byrum <cbyrum@spamaps.org>
sig!         5409E422 2011-11-04  Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
sig!         6D866396 2011-11-04  Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>
uid                  Clint Byrum <clint@fewbar.com>
sig!         8E384AF2 2010-07-20  Christopher L Cheney <ccheney@acm.org>
sig!3        F4BCB38E 2010-05-12  Clint Byrum <cbyrum@spamaps.org>
sig!         5409E422 2011-11-04  Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
sig!         6D866396 2011-11-04  Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>
uid                  Clint Byrum <clint@ubuntu.com>
sig!         8E384AF2 2010-07-20  Christopher L Cheney <ccheney@acm.org>
sig!         2B0920C0 2010-07-22  Loïc Minier (lool) <lool@dooz.org>
sig!3        F4BCB38E 2010-05-28  Clint Byrum <cbyrum@spamaps.org>
sig!         5409E422 2011-11-04  Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
sig!         6D866396 2011-11-04  Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>
uid                  Clint Byrum <clint.byrum@canonical.com>
sig!         8E384AF2 2010-07-20  Christopher L Cheney <ccheney@acm.org>
sig!3        F4BCB38E 2010-05-18  Clint Byrum <cbyrum@spamaps.org>
sig!         5409E422 2011-11-04  Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
sig!         6D866396 2011-11-04  Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>
sub   2048R/6C743997 2010-05-12
sig!         F4BCB38E 2010-05-12  Clint Byrum <cbyrum@spamaps.org>

Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.
Key has only 2048 bits.  Please explain why this key size is used
(see [KM] for details).
[KM] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2010/09/msg00003.html
Valid "e" flag, no expiration.
Valid "s" flag, no expiration.

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

   A bit about me.. chronologically (I hope this isn't too long) :)
   My first computer was a Commodore 64, when I was 8 years old. I had used
   the Vic 20 in my 1st grade classroom a little, but never alone. The
   Commodore 64, combined with the local "ComputorEdge" magazine was a
   fascinating thing, as the magazine printed a new short BASIC program
   every month which I could type in and then modify to observe slightly
   different behavior.
   Fast forward to 1995, when I got my first 80386 computer. It ran DOS 6.0
   and then Windows 95 at first, but the magic started when my step father
   handed me a book called "Linux Universe". It had a CD-ROM based version
   of Linux on it, and I immediately fell in love.
   I installed Slackware first, and used that for a few months. Then the ease
   of RedHat installation pulled me in for a while. However, in 1997, when
   I got my first job as an I.T. guy, Debian really won my heart over. I
   had need to build a remote print server to talk to an HP-UX machine,
   and Debian was the only one that I could get to do it right.
   I proceeded to setup Debian machines as my home firewall and file
   servers for the next 4 years. In business, I used Debian as my firewall
   OS of choice, moving from slink to potato to woody. I ran a successful
   consulting business fueled largely by implementing firewalls, spam
   filters and mail servers for small businesses on top of Debian.
   Then sarge came, and just didn't release for so so long. This was quite
   hard to take, and I even expressed some of my (uninformed) frustrations:
   Pretty soon, my hand was forced at work, we had to have some newer stuff,
   and sarge just wasn't released. We went with Redhat 9, and then later
   CentOS. I always longed to run Debian on the server though.
   The whole time I kept Debian on my workstation, in fact, my workstation
   which started life as woody, was running Debian unstable until 7 years
   later when I moved jobs.
   Then in May 2010, I took a position with Canonical on the Ubuntu
   server team. This was like a dream job, getting paid to work on a
   debian derivative and make it shine where I always knew it would most
   (in large environments).
   While working on Ubuntu server, it became clear to me that Debian still
   had its place in my heart, and that we really needed to work together
   closely, Ubuntu and Debian. So I started pushing packages and patches
   back to Debian where possible.  I even finally packaged my old cli app,
   pipemeter, for Debian.
   In working on plumbing and boot stuff for Debian, and on some of the
   bigger language stacks like Ruby and PHP, its become clear that much of
   my Ubuntu work will be a huge benefit to Debian users. This is especially
   true in the case of MySQL, where Norbert Tretkowski has had little time
   to spend on maintaining it, but where I have both great interest, and
   actual paid allocated time in maintaining it (for both Debian and Ubuntu).
   My goals as a Debian Developer are:
   * Have the best possible maintained MySQL packages in both Debian and
   * Assist Steve Langasek in helping to make Upstart a viable pid 1 option
     in Debian.
   * Assist in sponsoring uploads for the ruby and python modules teams.
   * Better maintain my own packages without need for sponsors.
   I look forward to the process, thanks!

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Clint has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
   and answered all my questions about the social contract, DFSG, BTS,
   etc. in a good way. Clint committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his
   Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills (FIXME)
   Clint has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Clint is maintainer of several packages, including being comaintainer
   of MySQL.

   The minechangelogs output lists sending patches upstream, multiarch
   work, a security update of MySQL and various kinds of work since July

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Clint Byrum as a Debian Developer.



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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