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Re: Advocating Janos Guljas <janos@resenje.org>

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 01:47:51AM +0000, NM Front Desk wrote:
> Auth-Key: nmauth7a080acd9ef9b45a37011cfc7a1468e2
> Applicant: Janos Guljas <janos@resenje.org>

I have been a regular sponsor for Janoš for almost a year now. During
that time, he has been making frequent uploads and taking over the
maintainance of many packages, to the point that it's been difficult for
me to keep up on reviewing his work :-) At the same time, my reviews
have been finding progressively less things to fix, to the point that he
could be reviewing *my* packages.

Janoš has been thorough, technically apt and excellent to collaborate
with. He has shown a deep understanding of the Debian project, its
technical merits and policy as well as its philosophy and ideals. During
the course of these months, he has solved a number of both technical and
licensing issues in his packages, raising them with upstreams when
needed, in the course of finding the best and proper solution.

Moreover, we met in Bosnia, during DebConf11; Janoš was attending and
was an active member of our community, collaborating with multiple
people and trying to find new ways to contribute to the project.

I am aware from our conversations with Janoš that he is also
collaborating in a regular basis with several other members of the
project. I am confident that if asked, more DDs would be happy to
advocate him.

On a final note, two months ago I advocated Janoš for a DM¹ (and, in
fact, I've copied some parts of that mail here). I am aware that the
Front Desk is suggesting a 6-month waiting period between becoming a DM
and applying for becoming a DD. I would like for you to make an
exception here as I believe Janoš is ready to become a DD. Janoš was
ready for a DM much earlier in the year; the delay in suggesting it was
my fault and I take full responsibility for it.

I fully support his application to become a Debian Developer^WMember.


¹: http://lists.debian.org/debian-newmaint/2011/09/msg00043.html

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