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Re: Advocating Ana Carolina Comandulli <caroll@funlabs.org>

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On 29-07-2011 23:28, NM Front Desk wrote:
> Auth-Key: nmauthf3a5d85d81dcff175d3caa2e9a8b3c67
> Applicant: Ana Carolina Comandulli <caroll@funlabs.org>
> Why do you advocate this person? (please provide a 5-10 line summary).

Let's do it properly and as simple as possible first. :)

I have personally worked with Ana Carolina Comandulli (Caroll) [1][2]
for a sufficiently long time and I know Caroll can be trusted to have
vote privileges and become a Debian Developer.  I also believe she can
be trusted to have full, unsupervised, unrestricted uploads to the
archive once she feels ready to work with packaging (and of course,
the necessary steps are taken/checked).

 1. caroll@funlabs.org
 2. 4096R/DA83FD56: 8623 3022 C12B 6ECF C90A  4007 8504 5872 DA83 FD56

Caroll fully understands and is fully committed to Debian's principles
and priorities.  She has a good understanding of our organization and
dynamics, she is eager to learn and to help.

It's an honor to advocate Caroll.  I know her since 2003 and she
started to help me organizing local events like Debian Day and
Software Freedom Day.  Her initial contributions happened on our local
Debian User Group, printing fliers, copying posters, helping with the
organization, finding a place to meet, discussing ideas, finding
speakers.  From that initial involvement, she got interested to know
more about Debian and our strange ecosystem. :-)

She quickly got into translation, she helped reviewing translations
and she found DDTP (Translation Descriptions) in need of a lot of
help, so has been working in that area since 2007, translating and
reviewing, and a lot of times helping new translators.

In 2006 she attended her first DebConf (DC6 in Mexico), she promptly
helped the Organization Team in different tasks.  After DC6, Caroll
also attended DebConf8 and DebConf11.  This last DebConf she got more
involved, attending several DebConf Orga Meetings, volunteering to
act as TalkMeister, helping the Cheese & Wine Party Team,  but most
of the time she spent helping Events/Merchandise Desk (or Front Desk).

After DebConf6, Caroll worked on his first Debian Booth in a big
event.  In 2007 she attended a 4-day conference (FISL 2007) and worked
at the Debian Booth.  Since 2007, she helped preparing and taking care
of at least a lot of other Debian Booths in events all around Brazil,
sometimes she can attend, sometimes she just help preparing the booth.

Caroll contributes to LinuxChix inside Brazil and also follow closely
Debian Women.  She tries to make sure different points of view are
present on debates and making the path for newcomers easier, which
led her to contribute some documentation inside our local Debian user
group and reviewing big translations like Release Notes and D-I
Installation Manual.

That being said, I fully support her application and believe she would
be a great addition to Debian.

> You are encouraged to take questions such as the following into account
> but you're not limited to answering these:
>  - How have they contributed to Debian already?

So far her main contributions are not related with packaging.  Caroll
has a lot of work as translator, specially in DDTP (Descriptions).
She also helps in events talking with people, explaining about Debian,
showing the distribution, explaining how the Project works and how to
get involved.

Caroll is always around, following Debian Project closely, encouraging
people to use it, helping testing it and spreading Debian's word.
Whenever she attends a conference she tries to make sure Debian is
represented or she tries to get in touch and help Debian presence.  If
the Conference in question is DebConf she almost certainly is a
volunteer to help in different tasks to make sure DC is a success. :-)

During DebConf11 Caroll attended the Debian Women BOF and understood
she was ready to take this step (applying).  She always felt she needed
to do more before applying and I always told her that whenever she felt
comfortable in apply I'd be happy to advocate her, and here we are.

>  - What do they intend to do for Debian in the future?

Since DebConf11 she started learning WebWML to help with the website,
initially with Brazilian Portuguese translations.  During DebConf11
she also prepared her first packages and in the future she wants to
contribute with packaging and bug triage and/or bug/fixing.

Caroll wants to also help with packaging tasks.  She has been studying
it for a few years and in DebConf11 she got a first package ready, it
still needs some polish and some fixes from upstream, but it was a
good start.

>  - How do they interact with others, such as users and other developers?

Her interactions tend to be very friendly, even during unpleasant and
flaming threads.  She is polite and kind, always looking to add some
input that would make things easier or trying to help others.

> Please note that by default your answer will also be sent to
> debian-newmaint@lists.debian.org to allow others to comment on it.

Noted.  I also pointed some people to this email so they can add more
info to help Front Desk and add more info.

> If you want to complete the advocacy process reply to this email, answer
> the questions above and GPG sign it. Please also make sure to include the
> Auth-Key (listed above) in your GPG signed reply.

This message is signed with my new 4096 GPG key which is not yet in
keyring.d.o.  I"m also sending the same message just to Front Desk
signed with the old 1024 key so they can check it. :)

Kind regards,
- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <faw@debian.org>

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