2011-02-12, debian@vdr.jp: > This is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer > <URL:http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer>. > I have read the Social Contract, Debian Free Software Guidelines and > Debian Machine Usage Policy and agree with all of them. > Currently, I maintain the packages gkrelluim and pidgin-twitter. > My GnuPG key D439668E is signed by the Debian Developer Yukiharu Yabuki. > I look forward to becoming a Debian Maintainer. Thanks for your attention. I'd like to advocate Daisuke to be DM. Please, note the fact that I only had to upload/sponsor one of his packages *just one time*, beside that, the packaging and response-time were flawless. Saludos, Mauro -- JID: lavaramano@nube.usla.org.ar | http://lizaur.github.com/ 2B82 A38D 1BA5 847A A74D 6C34 6AB7 9ED6 C8FD F9C1
Description: Digital signature