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Re: Advocating Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com>

On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 20:58 +0000, NM Front Desk wrote:
> Auth-Key: nmauthfba35b1ff9215df38582f3e8aaa354ef
> Applicant: Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com>
> Why do you advocate this person? (please provide a 5-10 line summary).
> You are encouraged to take questions such as the following into account
> but you're not limited to answering these:
>  - How have they contributed to Debian already?
>  - What do they intend to do for Debian in the future?
>  - How do they interact with others, such as users and other developers?
> Please note that your answer may be cited on a public mailing list unless
> you indicate otherwise.
> This is an automated message from the Debian New Maintainer website.
> Someone (possibly you) from the IP address
> nominated the Debian developer with the login "directhex" as an advocate
> for Iain Lane's application.
> If you want to complete the advocacy process reply to this email, answer
> the questions above and GPG sign it. Please also make sure to include the
> Auth-Key (listed above) in your GPG signed reply.
> If you do not want to advocate this application or do not know what it
> means, just ignore this email.

So, apparently recommend@nm.debian.org doesn't like mail signed with
Enigmail on Thunderbird. Let's try this again.

Laney's been formally helping with Mono work for almost as long as I
have. He's got a great eye for detail, a great attitude towards team
participation, and a good communicator both upstream and downstream. The
whole NM process should be nothing more than a formality for candidates
of Iain's calibre.

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