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Re: Advocating David Villa <David.Villa@uclm.es>

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I first met David in 1998 when he was graduating as a BS in Computer
Science from University of Castilla-La Mancha. I taught a short course
(20h) on CORBA using ORBit, the GNOME ORB and he was one of the most
talented students. He was already familiar with GNU and the free
software movement.

He then enrolled a MSc degree on Computer Science. He attended several
other GNU related courses we taught and finally he got a Research
Assistant position with us, the ARCO[1] research group in 2001. He's
always been a free software advocate and he soon became a free
software evangelist.

- From 2001 he is one of the most active members of CRySoL[2], one of
the leading free software user groups in Castilla-La Mancha, mainly
focused on Debian users. He gave talks, organized install parties,
published dozens of recipes and developed software. Three of his tools
are already in Debian (go2, ows and atheist). The first two packages
are also maintained by David himself and currently sponsored by
myself. Some other tools developed by David are also being packaged (I
personally find TwinPanel[3] as a very promising tool with lots of
applications). He also maintains scapy and amara.

David is the coordinator (and also translator and reviewer) of the
official translation to spanish of the open book "Thinking in C++" by
Bruce Eckel[4]. Volume 1 is already complete. This is a high quality
translation with a well defined process involving dozens of
collaborators around the World.

He's been busy finishing his PhD and therefore he felt he wasn't ready
to assume new compromises. Now he already got his PhD and wants to
move on. He would like to be involved in package translations to
spanish, and maintain some other packages.

As a conclusion I can attest that David would be an outstanding Debian
developer. He is a highly skilled developer with a deep understanding
of the free software principles, perfectionist at work, user oriented,
and with a wide exposure to Debian tools and policy.  He routinely
works in open projects, in groups with different cardinality, where he
either designs QA processes[1][4] or adopts the prestablished group

[1] http://arco.esi.uclm.es

[2] http://crysol.org

[3] http://twinpanel.blogspot.com

[4] http://arco.esi.uclm.es/~david.villa/pensarC++.html

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 2:37 PM, NM Front Desk <recommend@nm.debian.org> wrote:
> Auth-Key: nmauth19ece7b191e9dd136fee34289c6aaadf
> Applicant: David Villa <David.Villa@uclm.es>
> Why do you advocate this person? (please provide a 5-10 line summary).
> You are encouraged to take questions such as the following into account
> but you're not limited to answering these:
>  - How have they contributed to Debian already?
>  - What do they intend to do for Debian in the future?
>  - How do they interact with others, such as users and other developers?
> Please note that your answer may be cited on a public mailing list unless
> you indicate otherwise.
> This is an automated message from the Debian New Maintainer website.
> Someone (possibly you) from the IP address
> nominated the Debian developer with the login "paco" as an advocate
> for David Villa's application.
> If you want to complete the advocacy process reply to this email, answer
> the questions above and GPG sign it. Please also make sure to include the
> Auth-Key (listed above) in your GPG signed reply.
> If you do not want to advocate this application or do not know what it
> means, just ignore this email.

- --
Computer Architecture and Networks Group
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Tel:(+34) 926 295 483, Fax:(+34) 926 295 354
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