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Report for applicant Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>


Report for new developer applicant:

   Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>

1. Identification & Background

Key ID: 0x710f68e2, signed by at least Carlo Segre.
Keycheck results:

   Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
   Receiving and checking key
   gpg: requesting key 710F68E2 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
   pub   1024D/710F68E2 2003-06-26
         Key fingerprint = B67A CB32 C21F C4FE 6EDE  C081 75E1 C1E9 710F 68E2
   uid                  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2007-08-02  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2007-08-02  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2008-03-12  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!         93701EEF 2008-07-20  Carlo Segre (Debian Developer) <segre@debian.org>
   uid                  Brian Pellin <bpellin@pellin.net>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2008-03-12  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2003-06-26  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2003-06-26  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2003-07-30  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!         93701EEF 2008-07-20  Carlo Segre (Debian Developer) <segre@debian.org>
   uid                  Brian Pellin <bpellin@mcs.anl.gov>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2004-07-20  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!         93701EEF 2008-07-20  Carlo Segre (Debian Developer) <segre@debian.org>
   uid       [ revoked] Brian Pellin <bpellin@ntsource.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2003-07-30  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   rev!         710F68E2 2008-07-20  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!         93701EEF 2008-07-20  Carlo Segre (Debian Developer) <segre@debian.org>
   uid       [ revoked] Brian Pellin (Razorline Systems, Inc.) <bpellin@razorline-systems.com>
   sig!3        710F68E2 2003-11-16  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   rev!         710F68E2 2007-08-02  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   rev!         710F68E2 2007-08-02  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   rev!         710F68E2 2008-07-20  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sig!         93701EEF 2008-07-20  Carlo Segre (Debian Developer) <segre@debian.org>
   sub   2048g/C8EADD97 2003-06-26
   sig!         710F68E2 2003-06-26  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   sub   4096g/E6D6D1FF 2003-11-16
   sig!         710F68E2 2003-11-16  Brian Pellin <bpellin@gmail.com>
   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is ok
   Check for key expire stuff
   Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

Applicant background:

   My name is Brian Pellin.  I work professionally as a software developer.
   My first real GNU/Linux memory was at COMDEX Chicago 1998.  My friends
   and I scrounged up some free floor passes, and took a day off of high
   school.  Linux vendors had a huge presence at the event.  Among the swag
   we collected was lots of linux distributions' CDs.  I experimented with
   using several different Linux distributions, and I eventually settled on
   Debian mainly, because I was satisfied with the tooling and the
   In 2003, I had an internship where I was involved in maintaining some
   Linux clusters.  One of the tools I used everyday was a parallel shell
   program called pdsh.  I had packaged the tool for internal use to make
   it's deployment easier.  Later, I found a sponsor and added it to the
   Debian archive.  The maintenance of the pdsh and a supporting library
   genders has made up the bulk of my contribution to Debian.
   Aside from Debian, I've been dabbling with some free software
   development on the Android platform.  I'm currently working on a port of
   the KeePass password safe program.
   In the future, I'm always willing to package or help out with tools that
   I use regularly.  I also run Debian on my PS3, and I'm interested in
   seeing PS3/cell support improve in Debian.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
Brian has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and Procedures.
He answered my Questions about Social Contract, DFSG, BTS etc. in a good

3. Tasks and Skills
Brian is the maintainer of pdsh and genders, on which he is doing a good

He answered my questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation

I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
Account:       bpellin
Forward-Email: bpellin@gmail.com



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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