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AM report for Theppitak Karoonboonyana <thep@linux.thai.net>

Report for new developer applicant Theppitak Karoonboonyanan 

1. Identification & Background
   Check with keyid 0xD08B47FE:
   ID check passed, key signed by 4 existing developers:

   Output from keycheck.sh:
   pub   1024D/D08B47FE 2004-06-27
         Key fingerprint = CAD2 453D C41A 3AAC D486  4D27 AA0C D1EE D08B 47FE
   uid                  Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (Thep) <thep@linux.thai.net>
   sig!         5662C734 2006-03-17  Michael Vogt <mvo@debian.org>
   sig!         128287E8 2006-03-17  Dafydd Harries <daf@rhydd.org>
   sig!         917A225E 2006-03-17  Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>
   sig!         C0143D2D 2006-06-06  Christian Perrier <bubulle@kheops.homeunix.org>
   sig!         6BE3C423 2007-01-28  Paul Wise <pabs3@bonedaddy.net>
   sig!3        D08B47FE 2004-06-27  Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (Thep) <thep@linux.thai.net>
   sub   1024g/689FFDB5 2004-06-27
   sig!         D08B47FE 2004-06-27  Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (Thep) <thep@linux.thai.net>
   2 signatures not checked due to missing keys
   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is ok
   Check for key expire stuff

   Applicant writes:

   My first use of free software dated around 1996, when I needed C++
   compiler that was more updated than Sparc C++ I was using on Solaris
   at that time. And I found GCC perfectly fit my need, with all the source
   and freedom to use. Later on, it's NCSA httpd and then Apache httpd
   that impressed me likewise. Then, when I was introduced to GNU/Linux,
   a completely free operating system and software set, I didn't hesitate to try.
   And it has become my OS of everyday use through the years.                                                                                                                
   Since I was working for a governmental software laboratory at that time,                                                                                                  
   it was one of my missions to develop missing pieces of software in                                                                                                        
   the public that provide better use of Thai language on computers, as                                                                                                      
   well as to promote IT standards for interoperability. Having studied free                                                                                                 
   software concepts and ESR's Cathedral-Bazaar series, I found it a perfect                                                                                                 
   means to serve the mission. So, I joined a local community and produced                                                                                                   
   and shared some codes with people based on the FOSS philosophy.                                                                                                           
   They have been included in local GNU/Linux distributions, and later merged                                                                                                
   upstream. I had even maintained Linux TLE (Thai Language Extension), a                                                                                                    
   local distribution, for a couple of releases.
   Works I have contributed to upstream projects include Thai POSIX
   locale and ISO/IEC 14652 cultural conventions in GNU C library,
   Thai XIM fixing and Thai bitmap fonts for XFree86 (before the license
   change), improvement of Thai Pango module and GTK+ supports,
   random bug reports and fixes in GNOME bugzilla, and coordination of
   Thai translation team for GNOME. Moreover, I've also maintained some
   Thai resource collections provided by Thai Linux Working Group
   (http://linux.thai.net), some of which have been debianized by
   Chanop Silpa-Anan, another member and a Debian Developer, including
   thaixfonts, thaifonts-scalable, thailatex and swath.
   I was introduced to Debian by Chanop around the slink/potato period.
   While I was impressed by the powerful APT and well disciplined
   integration, my responsibility in maintaining an RPM-based local
   distribution at that time just kept me busy. However, I was so inspired
   and did introduce Conectiva's apt-rpm to the distro, while using Debian
   in my personal machine.
   Now that I have been more free to pursue my missions, I mean to
   continue my works by pushing some extra resources not to be
   incorporated upstream into Debian, a well designed, non-profit,
   and world-wide distribution. My focus is mainly on Thai language
   So far, I had worked closely with Chanop as upstream author's
   role, before he became busy with something else, and orphaned
   several packages. So, I took the chance to adopt some of them,
   and to polish and push some new packages previously hosted at
   local APT repository, and proposed in Ubuntu, into official Debian.
   Moreover, I have also been the coordinator for Thai Debian
   translation team.

2. Account Data
   Account: thep
   Forward-Email: thep@linux.thai.net

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Theppitak has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
   and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. He committed to uphold the SC and DFSG
   in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Theppitak has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   He is maintainer of gtk-im-libthai, libdatrie, libthai, scim-thai, 
   swath, thaifonts-arundina, thaifonts-scalable, thailatex and 
   thaixfonts for which he is DM.
   All packages are in good shape.
   Theppitak also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems
   and provided patches for RC bugs.

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Theppitak as a Debian Developer.

Martin Würtele

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Description: Digital signature

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