1. Identification & Account Data -------------------------------- First name: Alexander Middle name: GQ Last name: Gerasiov Key fingerprint: 0628 ACC7 291A D4AA 6D7D 79B8 0641 D82A E3E3 CE1D Account: gq Forward email: gq@cs.msu.su ID check passed, key signed by 2 existing developers: pub 1024D/E3E3CE1D 2004-09-14 Key fingerprint = 0628 ACC7 291A D4AA 6D7D 79B8 0641 D82A E3E3 CE1D uid Alexander GQ Gerasiov <gq@cs.msu.su> sig! F8E26537 2007-06-28 Dmitry E. Oboukhov <unera@debian.org> sig! 2ECF984B 2008-04-28 Alexei Nikolov <root@toor.spb.ru> sig!3 C9132DDB 2004-10-02 Nikita Youshchenko <yoush@debian.org> 16 signatures not checked due to missing keys Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key Key is ok Check for key expire stuff Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check. 2. Background ------------- Applicant writes: I'm 25 years old. I was born in USSR and still living in Russia. 3 years ago I graduated Moscow State University, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics dept. After that I continue to work in the University. For now I administer IT-infrastructure of LVK laboratory here (http://lvk.cs.msu.su), develop some application, do some scientific work with students etc. My first PC was a 80386 box with MSDOS inside. I've hacked it a lot, but not too low-level. Windows 3.11, then Windows'95, NT4, NT5. I had had the good knowledge of the systems I've used. But this black box makes me pain %) You have to dance with tambourine around it if something goes wrong. First UNIXes I saw were some old BSD, FreeBSD and RedHat Linux 4 or 5. First of all I had some programming curses in University, where UNIX was the main programming environment. I also used them for self-education, cause it was very interesting to dig into such complex system which was well-designed and was _open_ ("free as in freedom"). This time Linux was powerful in server tasks, but as for me, I was not the thing I'd like to have as my primary OS. Not too sexy as a desktop. And no 3D games, you know. %) So that was just some fun and new knowledge. A year or two later, I was interested in web-application development. I used my account on the university's server to run apache, php, mysql etc, and have some fun with patching, administrating, hacking CMSes. And one day Nikita Youschenko (who is now yoush@debian.org) propose me to install and administrate a linux PC. It was an old 484 PC mainly used as thin client to our application server. I've installed Debian and was amazed by... apt-get at first %) Then I ran this PC as thin client for our Lab, and as web-server for myself. This gave me many interesting knowledge. Now my work is linked with Debian: I ran some Debian-based servers, I write applications under it, two years ago I switched my home desktop to Debian. So it's my main OS now. As for my contributions to Debian project, I'm an active subscriber of debian-russian@l.d.o, I maintain some packages (http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=gq@cs.msu.su). And I promote Debian to those, who wanna switch to Linux. %) You know, Debian is very good designed. It has strict Debian Policy, but this makes things work and don't break. I see problems, people have with other distributions and don't understand, why don't they turned to Debian yet. The only problem, I see is that Debian is not too friendly to newbies, but in such case Ubuntu is a choice. And Ubuntu's contribution to Debian and whole Linux community will help us. Returning to my goals... What I will do for Debian: I'll continue to maintain some packages and will help Russian developers to contribute to Debian. I will continue promote Debian around me (I think DD rank will help a bit.). May be I will work on some project inside Debian, if they touch me (e.g. I want multiarch to be implemented for x86, but as for this project I'm afraid it's too difficult for me. May be some another project will interest me.) And at least DD rank will allow me to participate more closely in Debian's way to world domination. :) 3. Philosophy and Procedures ----------------------------- Alexander has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures and answered all my questions about the social contract, DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Alexander committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP. 4. Tasks and Skills ------------------- Alexander has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian. Alexander is maintainer of xneur and related packages, rovclock, and mdf2iso. All packages are in good shape. Alexander also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems and provided patches for RC bugs. 5. Recommendation ----------------- I recommend to accept Alexander as a Debian Developer. Christoph -- cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/
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