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Report for applicant Bradley Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>


Report for new developer applicant:

   Bradley Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>

1. Identification & Background

Key ID: 0xC718D347, signed by many people.
Keycheck results:

   Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
   Receiving and checking key
   pub   1024D/C718D347 2007-08-03
         Key fingerprint = D201 7274 2FE1 A92A C45C  EFAB 8F70 629A C718 D347
   uid                  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!         6868F41F 2008-02-24  Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
   sig!         F1BCDB73 2008-02-25  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
   sig!         37D9412C 2008-02-25  Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
   sig!         C5C05BAE 2008-02-25  Yves-Alexis Perez (Corsac) <corsac@corsac.net>
   sig!         C5E95333 2008-03-01  Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org>
   sig!         89BF7E2B 2008-03-02  Daniel Kobras <kobras@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>
   sig!         6FECCDE0 2008-03-10  Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@unicauca.edu.co>
   sig!         99E81DA0 2008-04-26  Lior Kaplan <kaplanlior@gmail.com>
   sig!3        BD8B050D 2008-02-25  Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-10-31  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-11-01  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!    PN   AF79D29E 2008-03-10  Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be>
   sig!         E1C21845 2008-02-25  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
   uid                  Bradley John Smith <brad@uwcs.co.uk>
   sig!         37D9412C 2008-02-25  Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
   sig!         634F9A20 2007-10-04  Chris Lamb (Lamby) <chris@chris-lamb.co.uk>
   sig!         6868F41F 2008-02-24  Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
   sig!         F1BCDB73 2008-02-25  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
   sig!         C5C05BAE 2008-02-25  Yves-Alexis Perez (Corsac) <corsac@corsac.net>
   sig!         C5E95333 2008-03-01  Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org>
   sig!         89BF7E2B 2008-03-02  Daniel Kobras <kobras@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>
   sig!         6FECCDE0 2008-03-10  Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@unicauca.edu.co>
   sig!         99E81DA0 2008-04-26  Lior Kaplan <kaplanlior@gmail.com>
   sig!3        BD8B050D 2008-02-25  Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-08-03  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!    PN   AF79D29E 2008-03-10  Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be>
   sig!         E1C21845 2008-02-25  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
   uid                  Bradley John Smith <brad-smith@gnu.org>
   sig!         6868F41F 2008-02-24  Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
   sig!         F1BCDB73 2008-02-25  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
   sig!         37D9412C 2008-02-25  Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
   sig!         C5C05BAE 2008-02-25  Yves-Alexis Perez (Corsac) <corsac@corsac.net>
   sig!         C5E95333 2008-03-01  Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org>
   sig!         89BF7E2B 2008-03-02  Daniel Kobras <kobras@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>
   sig!         6FECCDE0 2008-03-10  Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@unicauca.edu.co>
   sig!         99E81DA0 2008-04-26  Lior Kaplan <kaplanlior@gmail.com>
   sig!3        BD8B050D 2008-02-25  Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>
   sig!3        C718D347 2008-01-30  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!    PN   AF79D29E 2008-03-10  Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be>
   sig!         E1C21845 2008-02-25  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
   uid                  Bradley John Smith <B.J.Smith@warwick.ac.uk>
   sig!         634F9A20 2007-10-04  Chris Lamb (Lamby) <chris@chris-lamb.co.uk>
   sig!         6868F41F 2008-02-24  Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
   sig!         F1BCDB73 2008-02-25  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
   sig!         37D9412C 2008-02-25  Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
   sig!         C5E95333 2008-03-01  Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org>
   sig!         89BF7E2B 2008-03-02  Daniel Kobras <kobras@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>
   sig!         6FECCDE0 2008-03-10  Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@unicauca.edu.co>
   sig!         99E81DA0 2008-04-26  Lior Kaplan <kaplanlior@gmail.com>
   sig!3        BD8B050D 2008-02-25  Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-08-03  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!    PN   AF79D29E 2008-03-10  Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be>
   sig!         E1C21845 2008-02-25  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
   uid                  Bradley John Smith <bradjsmith@btinternet.com>
   sig!         634F9A20 2007-10-04  Chris Lamb (Lamby) <chris@chris-lamb.co.uk>
   sig!         6868F41F 2008-02-24  Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
   sig!         F1BCDB73 2008-02-25  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
   sig!         37D9412C 2008-02-25  Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
   sig!         C5C05BAE 2008-02-25  Yves-Alexis Perez (Corsac) <corsac@corsac.net>
   sig!         C5E95333 2008-03-01  Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org>
   sig!         89BF7E2B 2008-03-02  Daniel Kobras <kobras@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>
   sig!         6FECCDE0 2008-03-10  Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@unicauca.edu.co>
   sig!         99E81DA0 2008-04-26  Lior Kaplan <kaplanlior@gmail.com>
   sig!3        BD8B050D 2008-02-25  Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-11-01  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-08-03  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-08-03  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!    PN   AF79D29E 2008-03-10  Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be>
   sig!         E1C21845 2008-02-25  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
   uid                  Bradley John Smith <bradley@thesmithboys.co.uk>
   sig!         634F9A20 2007-10-04  Chris Lamb (Lamby) <chris@chris-lamb.co.uk>
   sig!         6868F41F 2008-02-24  Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
   sig!         F1BCDB73 2008-02-25  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
   sig!         37D9412C 2008-02-25  Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
   sig!         C5C05BAE 2008-02-25  Yves-Alexis Perez (Corsac) <corsac@corsac.net>
   sig!         C5E95333 2008-03-01  Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org>
   sig!         89BF7E2B 2008-03-02  Daniel Kobras <kobras@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de>
   sig!         6FECCDE0 2008-03-10  Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@unicauca.edu.co>
   sig!         99E81DA0 2008-04-26  Lior Kaplan <kaplanlior@gmail.com>
   sig!3        BD8B050D 2008-02-25  Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>
   sig!3        C718D347 2007-08-03  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   sig!    PN   AF79D29E 2008-03-10  Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be>
   sig!         E1C21845 2008-02-25  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
   sub   2048g/C986958B 2007-08-03
   sig!         C718D347 2007-08-03  Bradley John Smith <brad@brad-smith.co.uk>
   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is ok
   Check for key expire stuff
   Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

Applicant background:

   I am a 20 year old mathematics student studying at Warwick University in
   the UK.
   I originally came to Debian under recommendation from others, after having
   been using GNU/Linux for only a short time, and have stuck with it ever
   I maintain a fair number of packages now, both in and out of teams, namely
   the games and gnome teams. One of my current goals, after making sure my
   packages are up to scratch, obviously, is to introduce a new Debian port to
   the AVR32 architecture (currently under progress at
   http://avr32.debian.net), and hopefully some day make it an official
   architecture, and become an AVR32 porter/buildd maintainer.
   Outside of Debian I maintain several Debian machines belonging to my
   universities computer society, one of which is a 250 user shell account
   I also maintain the GNU project GNU Robots, and in the future
   hope to participate in more free software projects, more notable a glibc
   port to the AVR32 architecture.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
Bradley has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and Procedures.
He answered my Questions about Social Contract, DFSG, BTS etc. in a good

3. Tasks and Skills
Bradley is the maintainer or comaintainer of several packages including
several libraries, the GGI libraries and scrollkeeper.  He has also
started a Debian port to the AVR32 architecture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVR32).

DDPO (http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=brad@brad-smith.co.uk&comaint=yes)
shows lots of packages, with no RC bugs except one purposefully added to
prevent a transition to main of a beta quality game.

He answered my questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation

I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
Account:       brad-smith
Forward-Email: brad@brad-smith.co.uk



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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