Re: [vac] New job, moving
Re: To debian-private 2007-04-12 <>
> I'll be moving over the next weeks and will start a new job at the
> beginning of May (more details on that later), so I'll probably be
> less visible/available than usual. If there's anything urgent, try
> mailing my address or catch me on IRC.
I should have made this a proper [vac] instead of [semi-vac] from the
beginning and also Cc'ed the -newmaint list, but whatever.
I've moved to Mönchengladbach and am now working for credativ (as
about the 10th DD there). The moving stress is mostly over (only 10
boxes left to unpack), but I haven't even had the chance yet to order
an internet connection so I will continue to be offline from home for
the next weeks to come. (I don't plan to become a customer of the
German telecom, but their current strike could as well affect me
Reading mail is a bit tedious as I have to copy mailboxes around, but
I'll at least look at stuff Cc'ed to myon@d.o. Of course I do have
internet access at work, so try catching me on IRC is the easiest way.
Regarding NM stuff, I hope to be able to process some applicants, but
that's kinda hard without network. I begin to appreciate the benefits
on using a distributed VCS, so there's a chance I can work on some
mutt issues :) (
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