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AM report for Bas Wijnen <shevek@fmf.nl>

Report for new developer applicant Bas Wijnen <shevek@fmf.nl>

1. Identification & Background

   ID Check passed, Key signed from 5 existing DD.

   Output from keycheck.sh 0x627CCF95
   Check with Keyid 0x627CCF95:
Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
Receiving and checking key
gpg: requesting key 627CCF95 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
pub   1024D/627CCF95 2003-08-30
      Key fingerprint = 98E5 F9F3 0D3E 63B7 F324  7065 1528 65FB 627C CF95
uid                  Bas Wijnen <b.wijnen@rug.nl>
sig!         9B7C328D 2006-02-27  Luk Claes <luk@debian.org>
sig!         50064181 2006-03-01  Paul van Tilburg <paul@luon.net>
sig!         330C4A75 2006-03-02  Martin F. Krafft <mail@martin-krafft.net>
sig!         969457F0 2006-03-02  Joost van Baal <joostvb@mdcc.cx>
sig!2        7244970B 2006-02-25  Kurt Roeckx <kurt@roeckx.be>
sig!3        627CCF95 2005-03-01  Bas Wijnen <b.wijnen@rug.nl>
sig!3        627CCF95 2005-03-01  Bas Wijnen <b.wijnen@rug.nl>
uid                  Bas Wijnen <shevek@fmf.nl>
sig!         9B7C328D 2006-02-27  Luk Claes <luk@debian.org>
sig!         50064181 2006-03-01  Paul van Tilburg <paul@luon.net>
sig!         330C4A75 2006-03-02  Martin F. Krafft <mail@martin-krafft.net>
sig!         969457F0 2006-03-02  Joost van Baal <joostvb@mdcc.cx>
sig!2        7244970B 2006-02-25  Kurt Roeckx <kurt@roeckx.be>
sig!3        627CCF95 2004-08-30  Bas Wijnen <b.wijnen@rug.nl>
sig!3        627CCF95 2004-08-30  Bas Wijnen <b.wijnen@rug.nl>
[revoked uids]
sub   1024g/C562A3BF 2003-08-30
sig!         627CCF95 2003-08-30  Bas Wijnen <b.wijnen@rug.nl>

Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok
Check for key expire stuff
Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

   Applicant writes:

When I was about 7 years old, I think), my father was one of the first people
who bought a (commercial) computer, a commodore 64.  As was usual back then,
he got a book with it which explained how to program it (in BASIC).  I did
some programming at that time, but mostly played games on it.  A few years
later, we got an MSX computer, and I was becoming more interested in
programming.  After some time playing around with BASIC, I learned Z80
assembly.  At that point I began doing low-level things, and I started
building some electronics to interface.

Years passed, and the IBM (and compatibles) became bigger.  All that time, I
stayed happily with my MSX, because even though the IBMs had more MHz, I felt
they were still severely handycapped compared to the MSX.

When I entered university in 1997, they had some SGI Indys there.  I learned
to use them, and someone told me that there was a similar system for the IBM,
called "Linux".  I tried it, and I realised that the handicaps of the IBM were
actually mostly in the software (MS Windows).

I started with using Slackware, then for a short time SuSe, and at some point
I found Debian.  During this time, I learned about GNU and free software, and
very much liked the idea of free software being the standard instead of
something special.  I want to help to make this a reality, and license all my
programs under the GNU GPL for that reason.  Distributions being the entry
point for most people to free software, I think it is an important task to
package (and document, and improve) programs.  I think I can do that within

At some point I tried Gentoo, but I dropped it again
because they don't make a clear distinction between free and non-free software
(for example, you can install Pine without noticing that the license isn't
very nice).

For some time I'm interested in the Hurd kernel, and I'm discussing about its
design and occasionally writing some code for it.  This is the "new" version
of the Hurd, not the "usable" one which is distributed by Debian.  I'm very
enthousiastic about this version, and would gladly help to ship it with Debian
when it's ready for that.  But that will certainly take some time.

Last year (2005), I went to FOSDEM with the Hurd people, and met some Debian
people as well.  Since I was thinking about applying to be a Debian member for
some time, I talked about that as well, and not so long after that I did.

I am currently maintaining pioneers (formerly known as gnocatan),
gfingerpoken, and z80asm.  The latter is written by me, the others were
originally written by others, but I took over upstream from them (in the case
of pioneers together with several other people).  I'm thinking of adopting
some packages related to embedded computing and driving external home-made
electronics, such as crasm, an assembler for some microprocessors (among which
the one in the Psion organiser II, which I have).  Also, I might become active
within emdebian, the subproject to make running Debian on embedded systems

I moved the maintainance of Pioneers to the Debian Games Team, where I am
most likely the one who mostly takes care of it.  I might do other things in
the games team as well.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Bas Wijnen has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract,
   DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Bas Wijen is Maintainer of gfpoken, pioneers, sdljump
   and z80asm, all Packages in Debian (sponsored by
   Jeff Breidenbach, Steve Langasek, Roman Hodek,
   Laszlo Boszormenyi)  He's also upstream maintainer for
   all of those packages.
   He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
   Account: wijnen
   Forward-Email: shevek@fmf.nl


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Description: PGP signature

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