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AM report for Lorenzo Martignoni <lorenzo.martignoni@poste.it>

Report for new developer applicant Lorenzo Martignoni 

1. Identification & Background

   Check with Keyid 0x8B143975:

   ID Check passed, Key signed from one existing DD, Mattia Monga (monga).

   Output from keycheck.sh 0x8B143975
   pub  1024D/8B143975 2003-09-07 Lorenzo Martignoni <lorenzo.martignoni@milug.org>
        Key fingerprint = 363D 3EF3 CC92 2069 949C  4F11 6C57 2D70 8B14 3975
   sig!        6538F5BF 2003-10-02   Mattia Monga (Debian keyring) <monga@elet.polimi.it>
   sig!3       8B143975 2003-09-07   Lorenzo Martignoni <lorenzo.martignoni@milug.org>

   Applicant writes:
   I'm  studying  computer science  at  "Universit degli Studi  di  Milano
   Bicocca". I'm  a member, and one of the founders of the Milano Linux user
   Group and of CERT-IT (Computer Emergency Response Team - ITaly).

   I wish to become a Debian  GNU/Linux developer because I really like the
   project and I want to give my contribute to the community.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Lorenzo has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all of Rene's Questions about Social Contract,
   DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Lorenzo is Maintainer of shorewall, a package in Debian (sponsored by 
   Matthias Klose (doko)).
   He also answered Rene's and my other Questions regarding T&S without

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
   Account:       martignlo
   Forward-Email: lorenzo.martignoni@poste.it

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Attachment: pgpDh7R40Tx2U.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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