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AM Report for John Lightsey <john@nixnuts.net>

Public report for John Lightsey <john@nixnuts.net>:

1. Identification
  ID check passed - one DD signature.

  Key 45F3FBF9, available from subkeys.pgp.net (not wwwkeys.pgp.net).

gpg: key 45F3FBF9: "John Lightsey <john@nixnuts.net>" 1 new signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:         new signatures: 1
pub  1024D/45F3FBF9 2003-04-12 John Lightsey <john@nixnuts.net>
     Key fingerprint = FA48 D2AF 2802 F182 4D58  2823 0587 B26E 45F3 FBF9
sig!3       45F3FBF9 2003-04-12   John Lightsey <john@nixnuts.net>
sig!3       8E384AF2 2003-10-09   Christopher L Cheney <ccheney@acm.org>
sub  1024g/4A6398E4 2003-04-12
sig!        45F3FBF9 2003-04-12   John Lightsey <john@nixnuts.net>

2. Personal

  John writes about himself:
I began using and administering computers running free software after I left
the Army in early 2000.  Initially I used Mandrake and RedHat, but after a
few months I began to worry that Mandrake didn't care enough about quality,
and RedHat was too concerned with making money.  Debian really appealed to me
be because of it's non-commercial nature and stong commitment to reliable
software over flashy new version numbers.  Building a distro around KDE
3.x-beta1 may look great on a box cover, but it's a nightmare to work with.

Around March of 2003 I decided to start contributing back to Debian by fixing
RC bugs.  Within the last few months I've also started to adopt orphaned
packages that I use regularly.  More than anything else I'd like to help
Debian live up the goal of "high-quality" free software referenced in the
Social Contract.  In my opinion, bug hunting and giving software you love
plenty of TLC is the way to build a high-quality distro.

   Quickly searching around shows that John's been involved in a number
   of community ventures (mainly user support-oriented), and has been
   positively involved in both support and development in a big way. I
   can't find anything here to put a black mark against his name: only
   good. I believe he will make an excellent addition to the Debian

3. Philosophy and Procedures
  P&P check passed - only minor nitpicks.

  John had an excellent understanding of P&P, and I only had to have a
  couple of very minor nitpicks. This section was very well passed.

4. Tasks and Skills
  T&S check passed - a few packages in the archive.

  John answered my emailed questions quite well (only a couple of
  relatively insignificant nitpicks), and my general impression was that
  he was extremely capable, and also picks up new information quite

5. Summary
   I recommend John's acceptance as a Debian Developer.
   Account: nixnuts
   Forward-Email: debian@nixnuts.net

Daniel Stone                                                <daniels@debian.org>
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debian.org

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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