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Re: AM report for Sebastian Schmidt <yath@yath.eu.org>


 yath, Cc'ed you just to be sure you see my reply. I don't want to make
it secret in any kind.

* Domenico Andreoli <cavok@filibusta.crema.unimi.it> [2003-06-24 13:53]:
> What he want to do for Debian is, to make it more convenient for the
> so-called "end users" - the people who simply want to switch on their
> computer and read mails.
> How do he want to do this? For example, in Germany, he see many users
> despairing of the english messages and manuals. So what he intend to
> do is to translate some web pages, manuals, software, etc. he already
> maintain the german translation of penggy (see below), but hopefully
> he'll find the time to translate more.

 I'm a bit puzzled by that. I don't want to say that yath wouldn't be of
help -- I have learned to know him as a really helpful person on the
#debian.de IRC channels. But I can't remember to have been in contact
with him about translating parts of the web pages; and I'm the
translation coordinator for the german language website....

 I also don't recall to see his name on the debian-l10n-german
mailinglist, but that doesn't mean much anyway.

 Another thing that is usually asked: What for would he need to be a DD
to do translation work? There are _lots_ of people out there helping
with the translation that are not a DD, and they don't need it.

> Sebastian answered correctly to all the question, he surely knows what
> he is talking about. He maintains penggy package, it is pretty clean.

 Oh, that for he needs to be DD, sorry then :)

 Please don't take this as any kind of objection -- I'm just quite
puzzled to read here that he wants to help with the translation
(especially of the web site) and I haven't heard anything from him in
that respect. I am quite sure that he will be a plus for the project, I
just question the reasoning in this mail for the translation he intends
to do.

 So long,
The following two statements are usually both true:
There's not enough documentation.
There's too much documentation.
             -- Larry Wall in <199709020026.RAA08431@wall.org>

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