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AM Report for Rune B. Broberg (mihtjel)

AM Report for Rune B. Broberg
Applicant Information:

Name: Rune B. Broberg
Current Email: mihtjel@mihtjel.dk
Preferred Debian Account Name: mihtjel@debian.org to be forwarded 
to mihtjel@mihtjel.dk
Subscription Email to -private: mihtjel@mihtjel.dk

Summary: I am happy to recommend the acceptance of Rune as a Debian


Rune (known within #debian-devel as mihtjel) has been using linux
since 1998, when he started with Redhat and then migrated to
Debian. He can program in C & C++ and is learning Perl. He attends a
trade school in Denmark. He wants to help with packaging and in
localization of debian for use in Denmark. He has been helping with
the Danish unofficial debian-guide (http://www.debianguiden.dk/).


Rune provided the following GPG key (attached):

pub  1024D/87CD3DBD 2001-05-30 Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig!       87CD3DBD 2002-01-01  Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig!       C02440B8 2002-03-19  Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk>
uid                            Rune B. Broberg (Mihtjel) <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig!       87CD3DBD 2001-05-30  Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig?       7E759BA9 2001-05-30  
sig?       E0965288 2001-05-31  
sig?       3EADAEE2 2001-06-01  
sig?       0822C400 2001-05-31  
sig!       C02440B8 2002-03-19  Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk>
sub  1024g/F6678565 2001-05-30
sig!       87CD3DBD 2001-05-30  Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>

pub  1024D/87CD3DBD 2001-05-30 Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig!       87CD3DBD 2002-01-01  Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig!       C02440B8 2002-03-19  Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk>
uid                            Rune B. Broberg (Mihtjel) <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig!       87CD3DBD 2001-05-30  Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>
sig?       7E759BA9 2001-05-30  
sig?       E0965288 2001-05-31  
sig?       3EADAEE2 2001-06-01  
sig?       0822C400 2001-05-31  
sig!       C02440B8 2002-03-19  Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk>
sub  1024g/F6678565 2001-05-30
sig!       87CD3DBD 2001-05-30  Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>

It is signed by Jonas Smedegaard whose keys matches what is held in

Identification Check Passed

Policy and Procedures

Rune and I discussed the Social Contract and the DFSG. He
demonstrated to me that he understands the principles and extent of
these documents, and that he is aware of the responsibilities of a
debian maintainer. He also explicitly agreed to abide by the DMUP. He
also answered some questions on copyrights and licenses to my

Policy and Procedures Check Passed

Tasks and Skills

Rune has two packages that have been sponsored and are already in
debian. He has adopted tuxtype, and packaged lostirc, a minimalist IRC
client. I took a look at both packages, and was happy with the quality
of the packaging. His advocate is Tollef Fog Heen, and he has this to
say of mihtjel:


| Auth-Key: nmauth0ce01fda7d676022a8daf4f7d83ea93a  
| Applicant: Rune B. Broberg <mihtjel@mihtjel.dk>

I have talked a lot with mihtjel on the #debian-devel IRC channel, and
he gets the concepts quickly.  He is asking a lot of questions and
fixes the things I comment promptly.  I am sure he will make a fine


All in all, I think Rune shows the skills necessary to be a debian
developer and will make a good addition to the debian developer

Gopal Narayanan <gopal@debian.org> <gopal@astro.umass.edu>
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Dept. of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Attachment: pgpjQzK7RpkA4.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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