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AM Summary for Oohara Yuuma

Summary for Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp>

[Oohara is Japanese and apologises for any misspellings or
grammatical errors.]

In summary, Oohara writes:

I am Oohara Yuuma (not Yuuma Oohara --- http://nm.debian.org/newnm.php
doesn't know that a surname comes first in Japan), a graduate student of
Kyoto University.  I use Debian for 1 year after the 4 years experience
of HP-UX (the university told me Unix is the right thing).  Now I want
to give something back to the Free Software Community.

The Social Contract says:
| 4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software
I'm interested in documentation works.  We should not force our user
to read the source code.  Good documentations will save a user lots of time.

I also want to adopt some orphaned packages.  Leaving packages
unmaintained does no good to the user and will hurt the Free Software.


Oohara's key is signed by several Debian developers....

dsilvers@ennui:~$ gpg --check-sigs oohara
pub  1024D/F464A695 2001-03-20 Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp>
sig!       F464A695 2001-03-20  Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp>
sig!       72D03CB1 2001-10-25  Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debuan.org>
sig!       AE31C009 2001-10-26  Taketoshi Sano <sano@debian.org>
sig!       C2CE8099 2001-10-30  NOKUBI Takatsugu (Debian Project) <knok@debian.org>
sub  1024g/52BD48D3 2001-07-21
sig!       F464A695 2001-07-21  Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp>

Philosophy and Procedures

Oohara has answered many questions relating to policy, the BTS, NMUs,
The DFSG etc. He has demonstrated knowledge of the debian list server.

Tasks and Skills

Oohara has packaged a couple of small programs, none of which are as yet
in the Debian project.

David Kimdon <dwhedon@debian.org> is going to sponsor Oohara's adoption of a few
packages, his words below:

From: David Kimdon <dwhedon@debian.org>
Subject: sponsor of Oohara Yuuma
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 22:15:01 -0800
To: new-maintainer@debian.org
Cc: Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.27i


Oohara has adopted grandfatherclock,  osh, and shhmsg.  Oohara has
done an admirable job reading, understanding and applying Debian
policy.  The packages are in good hands.


His packaging was to a high standard, save a couple of cosmetic errors which
he has demonstrated an ability to take bug reports and correct problems.


I therefore recommend that Oohara be made a Debian Maintainer.

Debian Login: oohara
Forwarding Address: oohara@libra.interq.or.jp

Attachment: pgpo12wygMM20.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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