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AM report for Steve Kemp

Report for new developer applicant Steve Kemp <skx@tardis.ed.ac.uk>:

1. Identification & Background
   Steve is sponsored and advocated by Tony Mancill <tmancill@debian.org>:

Steve demonstrates both willingness and ability to make a positive
contribution to Debian.  He brings programming skills (he is the upstream
author of the gnump3d package) and his first packaging effort is more
complicated than many, including init scripts, conf files, and debconf.
He has been able to make extensive modifications to his package quickly.
- From my interaction with him, as his sponsor, I believe that he is eager
to participate and add value to the project.

   Check with Keyid 0xCD4C0D9D:

   ID Check passed, Key signed from 1 existing DD, Mark Brown

   Output from gpg --check-sigs:

pub  1024D/CD4C0D9D 2002-05-29 Steve Kemp <skx@tardis.ed.ac.uk>
sig!        5C6153AD 2002-06-07   Mark Brown <broonie@sirena.org.uk>
sig!3       536DEB95 2002-06-19   Graeme Mathieson <mathie@wossname.org.uk>
sig!        5621E907 2002-06-07   Mark Brown <Mark.Brown@aculab.com>
sig!3       CD4C0D9D 2002-05-29   Steve Kemp <skx@tardis.ed.ac.uk>
sub  2048g/AC995563 2002-05-29
sig!        CD4C0D9D 2002-05-29   Steve Kemp <skx@tardis.ed.ac.uk>


Steve has a long history with computers and free software. While he
started writing code in assembly, his most notable additions to the
free software world may come in his work on Emacs running on Win32 and
his work documenting GNU software running on this platform. Over time
he found his way to GNU/Linux and Debian where's he's now interested
in continuing his advocacy and development efforts.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Steve has done a fantastic job of demonstrating his in-depth
   knowledge of Debian philosophy and procedures. He's engaged in
   insightful discussion of philosophical issues relating to Debian and
   gave carefully researched and correct answers to every policy
   question he was asked.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Steve maintains the Debian package for gnump3d: a piece of software
   for which he is also the upstream author. He's been maintaining the
   software thoughtfully and appropriately for a good deal of time
   now. I'm confident in his abilities as a package maintainer.

4. Recommendation
   I recommend that Steve be accepted as a developer.
   Account:  skx
   Forward-Email: skx@tardis.ed.ac.uk

B. Mako Hill

Attachment: pgpfs5t3Bui3o.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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