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AM report for Dmitry Borodaenko

Summary for Dmitry Borodaenko

pub  1024D/85EE3E0E 2001-11-13 Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug@mail.ru>
sig!       85EE3E0E 2001-11-13  Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug@mail.ru>
sig?       4F728639 2001-11-13  
sig?       AE4CEF76 2001-11-16  
sig?       AE59C160 2001-12-14  
sig!       C8941ACC 2002-02-23  Peter Novodvorsky <nidd@altlinux.ru>
uid                            Dmitry Borodaenko <dborodaenko@optifacio.com>
sig!       85EE3E0E 2001-11-13  Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug@mail.ru>
sig?       4F728639 2001-11-13  
sig?       AE4CEF76 2001-11-16  
sig?       AE59C160 2001-12-14  
sig!       C8941ACC 2002-02-23  Peter Novodvorsky <nidd@altlinux.ru>
uid                            Dmitry Borodaenko <d.borodaenko@sam-solutions.net>
sig!       85EE3E0E 2001-11-13  Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug@mail.ru>
sig?       4F728639 2001-11-13  
sig?       AE4CEF76 2001-11-16  
sig?       AE59C160 2001-12-14  
sig!       C8941ACC 2002-02-23  Peter Novodvorsky <nidd@altlinux.ru>
sub  1024g/63310F9D 2001-11-13
sig!       85EE3E0E 2001-11-13  Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug@mail.ru>

His main area of interest is software development (he's got bachelor in
CS in 1999, and now he's a unit manager in large offshore programming
company in Minsk, their main client being Linux-based NAS developer
from US), but also he did a career of computer journalist in a local
newspaper (now he only does a short-news column for them), and he's
still a PhD student at his Uni (although he doesn't spend much time on
that either). His non-computer related interests include reading (sci-fi
and fantasy mostly), table RPGs, manga and anime, rock and metal music.

He'd like to work on packaging software for Debian. He can also write
documentation, both for software he packages, and on other programs
or issues.

Philosophy & Procedures
Dmitry understands Debian's philosophy and agrees with it.

Tasks & Skills
Dmitry is also ok for required tasks and skills. He is an upstream
developer and debian maintainer of alicq. alicq is currently in both
testing and unstable.

I recommend that Dmitry be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Debian login: angdraug
Forwarding email: angdraug@mail.ru

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
 --[ http://filibusta.crema.unimi.it/~cavok/gpgkey.asc
   ---[ 3A0F 2F80 F79C 678A 8936  4FEE 0677 9033 A20E BC50

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