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AM report for Eduardo Trapani

Report for new developer applicant: Eduardo Trapani

Summary: I recommend the acceptance of Eduardo as a Debian Maintainer

2. Identification
Eduardo's GPG key is signed by Carlos Barros <cbf@debian.org>.

3. Philosophy and Procedures

Eduardo demonstrated a clear understanding of the Social Contract and
the Debian Free Software Guidelines. 

He has read the main procedural information such as policy and the
packaging manual, and appears to have a good understanding of them.

4. Tasks and Skills

Eduardo has packaged wprint, a Mozilla/Netscape filter to print non-latin1
pages. I found some minor glitches and he fixed them as soon as I told him
about this problem.
He has shown that he is competent by correctly packaging this package
and he's familiar with BTS.

Best Regards,
Davide Puricelli, apurice@tin.it
Debian Developer: evo@debian.org | http://www.debian.org
Undergraduate Student of Computer Science at University of Bologna
PGP key:  finger evo@debian.org

Attachment: pgppdeM8WenQM.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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