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AM Report for Week Ending 10 Jun 2001

          Weekly Report on Debian New Maintainers

For week ending 10 Jun 2001.

Weekly Summary Statistics
3 more people applied to become a new maintainer
0 applicants became maintainers.

New Maintainers
The following applicants became new maintainers last week:

Applicants with no advocate
The following applicants have no advocate and have been waiting in the queue
for longer than 3 weeks but less than 6 weeks:
Philippe Phil <phil@solaire.dyndns.org> 
Email will be sent to the applicants.

The following applicants will be deleted as they have been waiting in the
the queue for longer than 6 weeks with no advocate:
DennisR DennisR <dennis-debian@dennisr.net> 
karthik ram s <karthikrams@netkracker.com> 
Email will be sent to the applicants.

Random checks
The following applicants have completed all checks but are not
approved by their AM:

  bubulle@kheops.frmug.org (mattice)
  moss@themes.org (ivo)
  jsogo@arrakis.es (taru)
  stratus@alternex.com.br (ocsi)

The following applicants have been on hold longer than 6 months:

  Klaus@Ethgen.de (madhack)                                     2000-04-08
  hartger@v3.com (madhack)                                      2000-04-08
  jamesturk@earthlink.net (madhack)                             2000-04-08
  nick@zork.net (wmono)                                         2000-06-26
  algol68@sleich.nildram.co.uk (jwest)                          2000-07-26
  kskafas@usa.net (jwest)                                       2000-07-26
  jpb@communiweb.net (jwest)                                    2000-07-26
  AndrewFry@ccmail.freemans.com (csmall)                        2000-07-26
  bkorb@sco.com (shaleh)                                        2000-08-25
  Kaz.Sasayama@hypercore.co.jp (sano)                           2000-09-25
  tomac@cmalcala.2y.net (teoh)                                  2000-10-02
  kuba@lida.prv.pl (lfilipoz)                                   2000-10-08
  devvnull@crosswinds.net (evo)                                 2000-10-08
  micah@riseup.net (gopal)                                      2000-10-09
  paulp@go2net.com (gopal)                                      2000-10-13
  blaaf@bigfoot.com (csmall)                                    2000-10-18
  jean-philippe.guerard@mail.dotcom.fr (csmall)                 2000-10-19
  ryan@havenco.com (wmono)                                      2000-10-25
  Samuel@Lightspeed.cx (sacha)                                  2000-10-26
  tessone@imsa.edu (gopal)                                      2000-10-26
  radiancegroup@radiancegroup.org (csmall)                      2000-10-27
  alan@whiskers.org (csmall)                                    2000-11-13
  heinold@physik.tu-cottbus.de (gopal)                          2000-11-15
  gale8293@kettering.edu (sano)                                 2000-11-15
  noka@md.neweb.ne.jp (sano)                                    2000-11-15
  chaotic42@pobox.com (risko)                                   2000-11-21
  yasu@debian.or.jp (dld)                                       2000-11-22
  sandras@student.info.ucl.ac.be (pa3aba)                       2000-11-24
  Len_Lattanzi@StanfordAlumni.org (madhack)                     2000-11-27
  Laurent.Buffler@epfl.ch (madhack)                             2000-11-30
  thou@263.net (tmancill)                                       2000-11-30
  yakk@yakk.net.au (tmancill)                                   2000-12-02
  chucker@tool.dhs.org (akumria)                                2000-12-04
  rjo@gmx.de (treinen)                                          2000-12-07
  chris@printf.net (oliver)                                     2000-12-08

Database inconsistency errors
  AM name is in brackets.
AM confirm date occurs before AM assignment date
  mike@markley.org: 2000-05-18 occurs after 2000-05-01 (gecko)

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