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Re: GPG USAGE HOWTO 1 (was: Re: AM report on Thierry Bourrillon)

Hi Oliver!

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> The email addresses are relatively unimportant, because all the key actually
> guarantees is that someone who knows the secret key is using it.  It does not
> guarantee that a message comes from the email address in the key.

You miss the point, imagine the following situation:

We meet, I show you my ID and give you the fingerprint.
My key has two IDs:
	Peter Palfrader <weasel@debian.org>
	Peter Palfrader <sirpeter@gmx.net>

You sign both and send the key to my primary address or upload it to the

Congratulations, you have just allowed me to impersonate Peter Palfrader
<sirpeter@gmx.net>, who happens to be an all together different Peter
Palfrader than me.

Now If I sign mails with that key ppl will trust that I'm the
sirpeter@gmx.net because after all _you_ signed that ID.

If you had verified that I controlled sirpeter@gmx.net, this could never
have happened.

 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
    messages preferred.    | : :' :    By professionals,
                           | `. `'      for professionals
 http://www.palfrader.org/ |   `-    http://www.debian.org/

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